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|books=[[Elantris (book)|Elantris]]
'''Shu-Korath''' was a sect of [[Shu-Keseg]] practiced mainly by the [[Aonic]] people in the nations of [[Teod]] and [[Arelon]] on [[Sel]].{{book ref|Elantris|5}} The Korathi worshiped a God known as Domi, a loving protector of all mankind. The religion was centered in Teod. It was lead by a man named the '''Patriarch''', a title that was held by [[Seinalan]].
== History ==
Shu-Korath began in the form of Shu-Keseg, a religion taught by a [[Jindoeese]] man named [[Keshu]].
Keshu preached unity of all mankind. His two disciples, [[Korath]] and [[Dereth]], collected his teachings in a book called the [[Do-Keseg]]. After Keshu died, Korath and Dereth disagreed about how to achieve this unity. Korath thought that mankind should be united through love, Derethi believed mankind should be dominated and forced into unity, under one government. This disagreement caused a schism in Shu-Keseg, splitting it into two sects, Shu-Korath and Shu-Dereth.
== Notes ==
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