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'''Shu-Dereth''' is one of the major religions on [[Sel]].{{book ref|Elantris|3}} Shu-Dereth is an offshoot of [[Shu-Keseg]]. It was founded by [[Dereth]], a disciple of [[Keseg]]. However, Shu-Dereth differs from Shu-Keseg in the way that it focuses on the equality of obedience, rather than the equality of mind. Shu-Dereth is based on the worship of [[Jaddeth]], a God who is said to slumber in the earth, waiting for a time when the whole world worships him to return and rule the world. Followers of Shu-Dereth are known as Derethi, and the religion's holy book is called the Do-Dereth.
Dereth’s ideas were originally rejected in his native [[JinDo]]; however, they were embraced by the Fjordell. Shu-Dereth has been the official religion of Fjorden since the conversion of Wyrn [[Wulfden the First]] and has spread to all of the eastern nations{{glossary ref|Elantris|S}}. Since that time, the leader of Shu-Dereth takes receives the nametitle [[Wyrn]] as a (title)|Wyrn]] upon his ascension to the position. Wyrn acts both as Jaddeth's prophet and regent during his entrapment in the earth.
Fjorden’s militaristic society stratified and organized Dereth’s teachings into an almost martial level. As a result, Shu-Dereth is a highly militaristic religion, and is based on a regimented ranking, known as the '''Great Chain'''.