Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shinovar»

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== Geography and Ecology ==
Lying weston the western side of continental Roshar, Shinovar is bordered to the east by the [[Misted Mountains]], and to the west by an unnamed mountain range. Multiple rivers flow through Shinovar experiencesfrom farthe morebodies mildof water to both the north and the south. The Misted Mountains prevent Shinovar from bordering any other nations.{{map ref|Roshar}} The mountains aldo protect Shinovar from the worst of the [[highstorm]]s, so Shinovar experiences far more mild highstorms than the rest of Roshar. Regular storms also occur in Shinovar, particularly during the summer, and it can be difficult to tell the two apart based on strength.{{wob ref|5701}} The highstorm still recharges gems with the same amount of [[stormlight]] despite its lower strength.{{wob ref|11482}} [[Spren]] rarely manifest in Shinovar, though that is unrelated to highstorm strength.{{wob ref|8714}}
Shinovar has a vastly different ecology from the rest of the planet, as the flora and fauna there have not the need of adapting to survival in the highstorms. The plant life is described by those from the east as "slow" or "sluggish" compared to the rest of Roshar.{{book ref|sa1|i|4}}{{expand}}
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