Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shinovar»

1 byte añadido ,  hace 13 años
A subsection of Shin culture is a sort of "slavery". Every slave has an [[oathstone]], and whoever holds that stone is the master of that slave. Because of this, robbing someone of an oathstone effectively transfers ownership of the slave to that person. Anyone who picks up a weapon in Shin is required to be a warrior, who fall within this sort of slavery. Lower than those who are considered these sort of "slaves" are those who are called the [[truthless]]. What sort of offenses that are required to make one considered a truthless are currently unknown. The Truthless are considered to be completely worthless for trading purposes, and are not desired to be owned by any. Generally, any Shin who receives any sort of payment for a truthless are likely to dispose of the payment without making use of it (such as throwing it in a river).
Shin are known for raising and trading [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken chickenchickens], a species unique to this region of Roshar.
== Notable Characters from Shinovar ==
