Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shinovar»

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→‎History: Changed 'easternmost' to 'westernmost,' as Shinovar is in the west.
(→‎History: Changed 'easternmost' to 'westernmost,' as Shinovar is in the west.)
After the [[Last Desolation]], the Shin took control of the [[Honorblade]]s and brought them to Shinovar.{{book ref|sa3|106}} Because of this history, they consider themselves the only ones who remember the truth about Rosharan history, though what they remember might not be entirely accurate.{{wob ref|5964}} [[Nale]] came back and retrieved his at some point without informing the Shin leaders.{{book ref|sa3|106}} Members of the Shin use and train with the Honorblades and [[surge]]s.{{wob ref|5090}} During the [[Era of Solitude]], the Shin tried multiple times to conquer all of Roshar, but they did not succeed any time.{{book ref|sa3|2}} They used Honorblades, Surges,{{wob ref|12700}} and cavalry, a fighting technique unfamiliar to the rest of the continent.{{book ref|sa3|75}} [[Shubreth-son-Mashalan]] was likely a leader during one of the invasions.{{book ref|sa3|19}} Approximately seven years before the [[True Desolation]], [[Szeth]] announced that the [[Voidbringers]] were returning.{{book ref|sa2|i|10}} He was told by the Shin leaders that this was false, given [[Jezrien]]'s Honorblade, and made [[Truthless]].{{book ref|sa2|33}} He was traded to [[Vstim]], a [[Thaylen]] merchant who often traded successfully with the Shin, and exiled from Shinovar.{{book ref|sa1|i|4}}
After the [[Everstorm]] hit the first time, the Shin sent warnings to other countries, including [[Tashikk]], to prepare them.{{book ref|sa2.5|14}} [[Dalinar]] sent word to them through a Thaylen merchant asking them to cooperate with his planned coalition.{{book ref|sa3|12}} The Shin were considered particularly important allies to gain because they controlled the easternmostwesternmost Oathgate on continental Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|39}} When they received his message, the Shin declined to join, sending back only a congratulations to Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|24}} While the Shin did not join the coalition, they also did not join [[Odium]] and were considered uncommitted by the end of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]].{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Politics ==
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