Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shinovar»

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The Shin live a relatively peaceful life, and by nature are a very humble people. Because of this, soldiers are considered relatively low on their social ladder, with Farmers being lavished like princes near the top.
The Shin findfollow Stone Shamanism. They believe stone to be sacred, and considerthat their soul is given to the ideastones ofupon miningtheir intodeath, orwhere eventhey continue to exist.{{Ref|b|twok|i|6}} They consider walking upon itstones to be a heresy, and degratory refer to those who do as Stonewalkers. Similarly mining in stone consider to be a heresy. Because of this, metal is very valuable in Shin territory, with the Shin preferring [[Soulcast]] metal above mined metal because of the inherent blasphemy in obtaining it.
When it comes to trading, and as a result of their humble nature, haggling with the Shin usually involves both parties devaluing their wares to the other, until an agreement can be reached.
