Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sel»

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'''Sel''' was a planet of the [[Cosmere]] and was the setting of the books [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]] and [[The Emperor's Soul]].
An Earth-like Shardworld, Sel was inhabited by humans and artificially created beings called [[Seon]]s and [[Skaze]]. The planet was the location of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]]. Sel was dominated by the [[Fjordell]] Empire, with [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]] being the only remaining free nations. All these nations (except Teod which is located on a continent to the north) were situated on the continent of Opelon (named Sycla by the Fjordell Empire). Sel was orbited by one moon. It also appears likely that on Sel the sun rises in the west.{{ref|b|elantris|c|1}} This is the only way that Kae could be in the shadow of Elantris at dawn and still be placed to the east of the city.
== Geography and Culture ==