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== Geography and Culture ==
The main populated continent on Sel is called Opelon by those in the west<ref>[[Elantris (book)]] Chapter 1</ref> and Syclan by those in the east.<ref>[[Elantris (book)|]] chapter 3/6/9</ref> The peninsula of another continent is populated by the nation of [[Teod]].<ref>[[Elantris (book)]] map</ref> Many of the nations on Opelon at the time of the book ''Elantris'' have been subsumed into the [[Fjordell Empire]], including the [[Duladell Republic]] and all the states to the east of the Dathreki Mountains: [[Jindo]], [[Jaador]], [[Hraggen]], [[Geant]] and [[Hrovell]]. The nations of [[Arelon]] and Teod and the city state [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] are the only states independent of the empire.
== Cosmere ==