Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sel»

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The main populated continent on Sel was called Opelon by those in the west<ref>{{bref|elantris|c|1}}</ref> and Sycla by those in the east.<ref>{{bref|elantris|c|3}}</ref> There were two major powers on Opelon, Arelon and the Fjordell Empire. The capital of Arelon was the city of Elantris, which was a monarchy, ruled by the [[Elantrian]] King [[Raoden]]. Under the king, there was a class of nobles, who control various plantations through Arelon. Their primary function was to distribute food to the people of Arelon. Arelon controlled the area to the west of the Atad Mountains, and south of the northern ocean. Arelon was mainly made up of followers of [[Shu-Korath]] religion, although there were still remnants of the old pagan religion that worshiped the Elantrians. There was also a small number of followers of the [[JeskerJeskeri Mysteries]].
All of other the nations on Opelon had been subsumed into the [[Fjordell Empire]]. The empire was ruled by a leader known as [[Wyrn]], who was also head of [[Shu-Dereth]], which has been used as a vehicle to dominate nations. The Fjordell Empire was, at the surface, completely Derethi. However, many of the people of the empire, especially those in back-country areas like Hrovell, still followed their old religions secretly, like the Jeskeri Mysteries.
Synod, Editors, Keepers
