Diferencia entre revisiones de «Scadrial»

266 bytes añadidos ,  hace 12 años
The blade broke and left a fragment of steel inside of Spook, who fainted from blood-loss.
The precise placement of the thrust had been manipulated by Ruin, who wanted to get a Hemalurgic spike into Spook so he could influence him.
This spike also gave Spook the ability to burn [[pewter]].
When Spook awakens in a burning noble manor, his place of execution, Ruin speaks into his mind using the voice of Kelsier. He gets Spook to some pewter and using his new strength Spook escapes, setting off a new chain of rumors about this "Survivor of the Flames".
=== The Siege of Fadrex City ===
=== The Final Acension ===
Synod, Editors, Keepers
