Diferencia entre revisiones de «Scadrial»

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I need a break for a while, I'm halfway through WoA events. Feel free to edit anything, the Final Empire section might have been too wordy.
(I need a break for a while, I'm halfway through WoA events. Feel free to edit anything, the Final Empire section might have been too wordy.)
The magnetic and geographic poles of Scadrial used to be the same, but when Rashek moved the Well south from the north pole, the magnetic pole followed it.{{cite}}
The Final Empire existed in the northern hemisphere, but life managed to survive elsewhere as well.
When Rashek alteredrealized thethat humansthis ofash thewould northmake poleit tohard makefor them ablehumans to survive, inand athe worldnew soplants fullthat ofcould ash,survive hethe worriedash thatwould thebe changesdifficult hefor madethem to theirlive physiologyoff wouldof. kill them.
So he altered the physiology of humanity, changing them so that they were more capable of living in this new world.
He left some of the humans on Scadrial unaltered, as a control, and moved them to the southern hemisphere, in the other cooler area near the south pole.
He also created the Balance; he made the noblemen taller, stronger, more intelligent, and less fertile, and change everyone else, except the Terrismen, into the race that would be known as the skaa.
He gave them an unknown method to survive there.
They were shorter, hardier, and had many children.
Rashek was worried that his changes to humanity would result in some unseen complication that would cause humans to become extinct.
He decided to move a portion of the population to the south pole, and leave them unchanged, giving them some other unknown method of survival.
Few plants and animals survived from the world before, except horses, and some dogs.
Rashek realized that the ash from the Ashmounts would eventually bury the whole land.
He created plants and microbes that broke down the ash.
When Rashek alsoaltered realizedthe thathumans thisof ashthe wouldnorth makepole itto hardmake forthem humansable to survive, andin thea newworld plantsso thatfull couldof surviveash, thehe ashworried wouldthat bethe difficultchanges forhe themmade to livetheir offphysiology of.would kill them.
He left some of the humans on Scadrial unaltered, as a control, and moved them to the southern hemisphere, in the other cooler area near the south pole.
So he altered the physiology of humanity, changing them so that they were more capable of living in this new world.
He gave them an unknown method to survive there.
He also created the Balance; he made the noblemen taller, stronger, and less fertile, and change everyone else, except the Terrismen, into the race that would be known as the skaa.
They were shorter, hardier, and had many children.
Rashek was worried that his changes to humanity would result in some unseen complication that would cause humans to become extinct.
He decided to move a portion of the population to the south pole, and leave them unchanged, giving them some other unknown method of survival.
Rashek also wished to disguise the location of the Well so he flattened the Terris mountains, moved them south from the pole, and raised new one in the north to disguise what had happened.
The rage and sorrow he felt caused Kelsier to snap, unlocking his Allomantic potential as a Mistborn.
Kelsier slaughtered the garrison at the Pits, and escaped swearing revenge on the Lord Ruler for the pain he had caused him.
Kelsier returned to the city of Luthadel, and got himself hired by [[Yeden]], the new head of the skaa rebellion after Marsh.
His job was to overthrow the Lord Ruler, and give Yeden control of Luthadel.
Kelsier then got back in contact with a few of his old thieving allies, [[Ham]] [[Dockson]] and [[Breeze]].
He also discovered a young thiefgirl named [[Vin]] among a group of thieves that he was considering forming a contract with.
Vin was a Mistborn, so Kelsier took her under his wing to train her with her Allomantic abilities.
Kelsier also recruited the Keeper [[Sazed]], Marsh, a new Smoker, Clubs, and his Tineye nephew, [[Spook]], to form his core team.
He preformed this job himself, getting allied houses to turn on each other with murder and rumors.
Vin would act as a spy on the nobles, portraying herself as Valette Renoux, relative to Lord Renoux, played by [[OreSeur]] the kandra.
Sazed would act as her steward, getting valuable information from the other servants.
Marsh would spy on the obligators, as a new acolyte.
Marsh also discovered the locations of Soothing stations, designed to keep the skaa complacent and miserable.
Kelsier hoped that their army could take control of the city while the garrison was away, and then bribe them from attacking by stealing the Lord Ruler's atium cache, which they still didn't know wasn't in Luthadel.
They would then defeat the Lord Ruler either using the mysterious Eleventh Metal, or by simply capturing him.
Kelsier's plan had a few setbacks.
The first was when he and Vin decided on an impromptu attack on Kredik Shaw, to discover what the Lord Ruler kept in his inner room.
The majority of Kelsier's rebel army is also killed, when a misguided Yeden sends them to attack to test their abilities.
Yeden also dies in that battle.
Marsh was also chosen to become a Steel Inquisitor, but Kelsier believed him to be dead.
The biggest problem occurs when the Steel Ministry discovers that House Renooux is supporting the rebellion, and raids their manor in [[Felise]].
Kelsier attacks the convoy in the streets of Luthadel, along with the remnants of his army.
Kelsier tells him that he is hope, and that the Lord Ruler will never be able to kill that.
The Lord Ruler responds with a backhand to Kelsier's head, removing half his face, and then stabbing him with a spear, killing Kelsier instantly.
The city isfell in chaos, and the skaa beginbegan to rebel, killing noblemen and running rampant.
The crew gowent from Clubs's to one of Kelsier's warehouses, and discoverdiscovered OreSeur there, wearing Kelsier's bones.
RenouxOreSeur revealsrevealed that Kelsier planned to die, to give the skaa a new god, and he has been going around wearing Kelsier's bones and showing that Kelsier is still alive to give the skaa hope.
OreSeur had been going around in the form of Kelsier pretending that he was still alive to give the skaa hope.
The crew distributes weapons stored at the warehouse, and Vin goes to kill the Lord Ruler, bringing with her some of the Eleventh Metal.
SheThe attackscrew thedistributed Lordweapons Rulerstored and burnsat the metalwarehouse, malatium,and whichVin showswent whatto kill the Lord Ruler, couldbringing havewith beenher ifsome heof had madethe differentEleventh choicesMetal.
She attacked the Lord Ruler and burns the metal, malatium, which showed what the Lord Ruler could have been if he had made different choices.
Vin saw that one of them was a pack man before she was dragged away to the dungeon by the Inquisitors.
They forced her to burn [[aluminum]] to remove her reserves and left her there.
Then Sazed was also dragged into a cell because he had been apprehended trying to infiltrate Kredik Shaw to rescue her.
After the guards left, Sazed revealed that he had allowed himself to be captured so they would bring him to Vin, and that he had swallowed some [[pewter]] to use as a metalmind.
He stored some strength in it for a few minutes, then tapped it to bend the doors on the jail cell to free Vin and himself.
Vin and Sazed attempted an escape, but were caught by a large group of guards.
Elend Venture arrived to protect them, and Vin found her [[mistcloak]] and metals and killed all the soldiers.
Vin Steelpushed her way to Lord Ruler's throne room and attacked, attempting to kill his past self that appeared when she burned malatium.
That had no effect on Lord Ruler, but then Marsh, now an Inquisitor, arrived and helped her fight him.
In the course of the battle Vin finally realized that the Lord Ruler was Rashek the pack man because of her vision of him.
She realized he must somehow be tapping age, and attempted to get his metalminds away, but they pierced his body so she couldn't Pull on them.
Vin is being suffocated against the wall when she draws in the mists, leaking through the broken window, which gave her the ability to Pull on his bracers.
When the bracers left contact with his skin the lord Ruler began to revert to his true age of over a thousand years.
As he died the Lord Ruler told Vin that she didn't know what he did for the world and that she had doomed them all.
===The Siege of Luthadel ===
Elend Venture had been crowned king of the [[Central Dominance]] after his dreams of a new government convinced the skaa to stop the slaughter of the nobles.
He had trouble convincing his new elected assembly that his ideas were good ones because of his poor leadership skills.
Elend was then confronted by a new problem, two armies arriving at Luthadel.
They were lead by [[Ashweather Cett]] and Elend's own father, [[Straff Venture]].
They both wanted control of the city but Elend refused.
Meanwhile Sazed, who was teaching near the burnlands, had found a tablet written by Kwaan speaking of the Hero of Ages inside the [[Conventical of Seran]].
Hoping to get this information to his fellow Keepers Sazed began a return journey to Luthadel, but ran across a third army, made of koloss, lead by Elend's old friend, [[Jastes Lekal]].
At Sazed's request another Keeper, [[Tindwyl] came to Luthadel, to help Elend become a better leader.
She helped him become a man that people wanted to follow but it was too late because the assembly deposed Elend as king, because of their fear of Cett, Straff, and the koloss.
Vin then came to a revelation that the mists had once been the Deepness, which she confided in Sazed, so he began his studies with Tindwyl into the ancient lore of the Hero of Ages and the Deepness.
Vin also realized that she was being followed by the same mist spirit that followed Alendi, and that she could also hear the sounds of the Well of Ascension refilling.
Synod, Editors, Keepers
