
De La Coppermind
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La Coppermind tiene spoilers de todos los trabajos publicados de Brandon, incluyendo El Hombre Iluminado. La información sobre libros que aún no se han publicado (como El archivo de las tormentas 5) está permitida sólo en las páginas de los propios libros. Para ver una visión anterior de la wiki sin spoilers de uno de estos libros, ve a nuestra Máquina del Tiempo

Sarene was the daughter of King Eventeo of Teod. A brilliant, outspoken woman, she had some difficulties fitting in to the court of Teod. She spent several years working as an ambassador for Teod, serving most notably as the ambassador to Svorden.

In an attempt to re-establish diplomatic relations with Arelon, Sarene set up an arranged marriage with Prince Raoden. One of the clauses in the engagement contract specified that should either Sarene or Raoden died before they were married, and since Raoden was considered legally dead after his transformation.

She spent the first three months of her "married" life working to block the efforts of Hrathen to convert the people to Shu-Dereth. Once Raoden fixed the problems with the powers of Elantris, she was married in a grand ceremony to Raoden.

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