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'''Blackbane''' is poisonous plant that grows on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa1|2}} Blackbane leaves only become deadly once they have been dried.
== Toxicity ==
Dried blackbane leaves are poisonous. Ingesting them causes paralysis which in turn keeps the victim from being able to breathe. The dried leaves are said to become more potent the longer they are aged.{{book ref|sa2|48}} Victims of blackbane poisining have visibly darkened skin afterwards.{{book ref|sa3.5|10}} Blackbane is difficult to make. After drying the leaves, it is made into a gum. Eating Blackbane is not as ideal as getting Blackbane into the blood, as it kills quickly.{{book ref|sa4|7}}
== History ==
The [[Sleepless]] [[Nikliasorm]] used blackbane to kill [[Screech]]. Later, it tried to pin the murder on [[Cord]] by claiming to find blackbane in her quarters, but [[Rysn Ftori|Rysn]] saw through this.{{book ref|sa3.5|4}}{{book ref|sa3.5|10}}
[[Vathah]] knows of an officer in Sadaes army that utilizes Blackbane to commit suicide after it is discovered he was smuggling.{{book ref|sa4|7}}
[[Ishnah]]'s gang utilized Blackbane.{{book ref|sa4|7}}
[[Shallan]] uses Blackbane to kill [[Ialai]] with a needle hidden in her satchel.{{book ref|sa4|7}}
== Notes ==
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