Diferencia entre revisiones de «Roshar»

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→‎Spren: Not all sapient spren are radiant spren
(Adding information on Spren and Singers)
(→‎Spren: Not all sapient spren are radiant spren)
Three main groups of spren can be recognized. The nature spren correspond to various natural phenomena, such as [[Spren#Windspren | windspren]] or [[Spren#Flamespren |flamespren]], which appear in the presence of wind and fire respectively. Emotion spren are attracted to emotions, such as [[Spren#Fearspren | fearspren]] appearing when one is afraid or [[Spren#Gloryspren |gloryspren]] for people who feel intense pride.{{book ref|sa2|1}} However, a natural phenomenon or an emotion will not necessarily summon a spren, as they may not be present in the physical place's Cognitive equivalent.
The third group of spren are surgebindingso-called true spren. Those spren are all sentient, and have an organized society in the Cognitive Realm.{{book ref|sa2|1}} They transition to the Physical Realm only when searching for a prospective [[Knight Radiant]] to bond, as the shift robs them of most of their higher functions, which they reclaim through forming a [[Nahel bond]].{{book ref|sa1|4}} The surgebindingRadiant spren seem to represent higher concepts, such as honor for the [[Honorspren]] or truth and lies for [[Cryptic]]s. This being said, only some true spren are Radiant spren.{{wob ref|9539}}
In addition to those, there is a number of unique spren who are far more powerful than others. Among those is the [[Nightwatcher]], who can grant boons and curses; [[Stormfather]], who controls the [[highstorm]]s; and [[Cusicesh]] and [[Sibling]], whose exact nature is currently unclear.
Editors, Keepers
