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(Adding links. I expanded a little on some of the climax stuff, mostly because I reread that part recently. Feel free to tweak anything I added.)
(Ch 43, 44, 45, & Epilogue Chapter Summaries)
=== Chapter 43 ===
Spensa, Vapor, and the kitsen streak towards the delver when Spensa notice the ''Swims Upstream'' is trailing smoke. Kauri tells Spensa that her ship's boosters are barely working and that she won't be able to enter the fight. Spensa and Vapor push on and confront Brade. Spensa patches through a private comm and Brade tells Spensa if she reaches the heart first, she's going to use the weapon to send the delver back to Detritus. Brade cuts off the line and Spensa and Vapor trail after her. After dodging a few embers, Spensa and Vapor lose each other, and Vapor's radio goes silent. Spensa is flailing around when she sees a shape, which she thinks to be M-Bot, appear. Morriumur patches through a private comm line and tells Spensa that because he is two people, he can see through the illusions. He light-lances Spensa's ship, pulls her to the heart, opens her canopy, and drops her into the membrane.
=== Chapter 44 ===
Spensa finds herself in a completely white room, with another version of herself standing across the room. The other Spensa, who real Spensa realizes is what her mind comprehends the delver to be, is looking at an infinite amount of white pinpricks on the wall, the annoyances of Straight, and is gleefully stamping them out. Spensa begs the delver to stop, then reaches out her hand and touches the delver. She immediately grows infinitely large, larger than a Galaxy, eternal. She sees the notices and disturbances of Starsight from the delver's perspective and wants to crush them. She returns to normal size and is able to project ''her'' point of view to the delver. They shrink to the size of a child playing in the water lark, enjoying themself. They see Mrs. Chamwit doing chores. These revelations make the delver realize that the things it so desires to eliminate are alive, just as it. The delver somehow reverses in on itself and disappears, leaving Spensa floating in space.
=== Epilogue ===
Jorgen, Need, and Arturo wander the deep caves of Detritus, searching for the sound Jorgen hears. They approach another pool of water, and Jorgen tells Arturo and Need the sound he hears is right where he is standing in the water. Jorgen feels a tunnel beneath him, so dives into it. He feels his way down as the tunnel angles upward, until he pops out into a large cavern. The cavern is filled with luminescent fungus and ancient piping, as well as hundreds of yellow and blue taynix, fluting away.
Spensa awakes in a Superiority hospital room, with Cuna watching over her. Cuna tells her that her department has been allowed to contact the humans on Detritus, and that Admiral Cobb made a very rational first contact. She also says that Winzik tried to twist what happened by claiming that the humans summoned the deliver, and that Morriumur had saved the day. Spensa feels off, and checks outside the window. It was silent, no one on the streets, civilians being ushered inside by people in brown-striped clothing. Spensa knows immediately what's going on and tells Cuna they need to get out of the hospital immediately.
=== Chapter 45 ===
Spensa and Cuna run into the bathroom, which, being connected to another bedroom, allowed access to the hallway. The door to the first room shakes, and Cuna heads towards it to open it, thinking it's the doctors, when a fully armored soldier breaks down the door. Spensa throws Cuna over her shoulders and sprints towards the bathroom. They enter the hallway and sprint down the stairs at the end of the hall. Spensa gives Cuna her hologram bracelet and activates the red dione hologram, telling Cuna to wait in a janitorial closet to avoid detection. Spensa sprints down another flight of stairs and lands on a heavily armored Krell. They wrestle with his rifle, then Spensa jumps up and bares her teeth right in its face. Scared, it falls backwards and loses its grip on the rifle, and Spensa shoots its power suit in the stomach from point blank range then runs off. She exits the hospital and runs onto the street, only to see a military air support ship facing her down. She dives back behind a building as the ship unleashes a barrage of shots at her. From the other side of the street, Brade fires a two shots from a rocket launcher at the ship and takes it down. She tries to get Spensa to stay and help her in Winzik' s coup, but Spensa casts her off and runs towards the Protective Services Special Project building, hoping to find M-Bot. She reaches the building and blows open the door and demands a guard tell her where M-Bot is. He tells her, and she runs off to where he is. She arrives to see M-Bot's hull and CPU removed. The espionage drone she and M-Bot made floats over and tells her that he reprogrammed himself onto the drone, copying a single line of code at a time between restarts. He is slower now, as he has no cytonic processors, but he is alive. Spensa finds Doomslug hidden in M-Bot's old ship, and M-Bot plays a news station for Spensa that shows Winzik presenting a twisted tale of the human dignitary going on a murder spree on Starsight and killing Cuna. Realizing that Protective Services forces will arrive shortly, Spensa grabs Doomslug and M-Bot and runs to the building Cuna took her to. She blows open the door and presses a button on the wall to reveal the nowhere sphere. She puts M-Bot in one hand and Doomslug in the other and touches the sphere, and is immediately sucked to the other side of eternity.
== Notes ==