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m (fixing a link)
(Adding links. I expanded a little on some of the climax stuff, mostly because I reread that part recently. Feel free to tweak anything I added.)
== Part One==
=== Chapter 1 ===
[[Spensa]] flies around outside the atmosphere of [[Detritus]] in [[M-Bot]], fighting [[varvax|Krell]]. She contemplates M-Bot's lost advantage in not having to worry about being ripped apart in Detritus's atmosphere, as she and the Krell are now fighting in the  vacuum of space, independent of drag and air resistance. M-Bot reminds Spensa that she's supposed to be leading the Krell back to her flightmates for an ambush, as the Krell will seek out flashy and experienced pilots to hurt the humans' air force. Spensa deviates from this plan, however, and flies back toward Detritus, where [[Rodge McCaffrey]] and the engineers have succeeded in recapturing some of the ancient defense systems and platforms of the planet. Spensa, able to hear and react to the Krell's faster-than-light (FTL) communication faster than themselves, easily uses her [[Starfighter#Inverted Magellan Pulse|IMP]] to disable the Krell shields and swing around with her [[Starfighter#Light-Lance|light lance]] to destroy them. Spensa is presented with a chance to return to the main battle, but she peels off to confront two Krell drones, and she begins to sink into her subconscious, into the [[nowhere]]. She feels the [[delver|eyes]] begin to burn her, full of hatred, as she recalls activating her [[cytonics]] at the [[Battle of Alta Second]] after slipping into the nowhere. Spensa starts slipping deeper into her trance, when M-Bot jolts her out of it by informing her that he has detected a new ship. She sees a smaller, sleek black Krell ship, not a drone, but a Krell-manned ship, an ace.
=== Chapter 2 ===
=== Chapter 5 ===
[[Spensa]] sees herself displayed on the screen, and shouts for a tech to turn off the screen. [[Jorgen]] grabs Spensa and holds her back, asking what she saw. She tells him and ask him if he sees the same. He squints and says he can vaguely see stars and a dark shadowy shape. [[Cobb]] orders the screen turned off and tells Spensa to meet with him immediately. He also tells [[Rodge]] to continue working on his project. Cobb leads Spends to the observatory and asks her what she saw. She tells him, and he tells her how dire the situation really  is: the [[DDF]] knows nothing about the [[Superiority]], but that they do know that somehow the Superiority travels the stars without attracting the attention of the [[delver]]s. Cobb also tells Spensa the planet's anti-bombardment systems won't hold out for long against the Superiority battleships and that she may not have to worry about the delvers. Spensa tells Cobb she was trying to push herself to access her [[cytonics]] in the heat of battle, and he tells her he might have another way to get the humans off Detritus.
=== Chapter 6 ===
[[Cobb]] leads [[Spensa]] back to the docking bay, where she sees [[Rodge]] working on [[M-Bot]]. Cobb asks how his project is going, so Rodge taps his datapad and M-Bot transforms into a [[varvax|Krell]] ace. Rodge reveals he has manipulated M-Bot's hologram programs to make M-Bot appear to be other types of ships. Rodge continues to explain that M-Bot's capabilities are in espionage, not on the front lines where the [[DDF]] has been using him. Spensa realizes Cobb and Rodge want her to infiltrate the [[KRELL|Superiority space station]] and possibly steal hyperdrive technology. Cobb elaborates that he wants Spend a to bring a team with her, possibly start a spy school to train the DDF pilots in espionage. Cobb knows if the plan is to work, it has to happen quickly, as the DDF doesn't know how long they have with Superiority battleships lurking nearby. Spensa feels something odd, as if someone has arrived, when Cobb receives a call from [[Rikolfr]] informing him that a solitary ship has hyperjumped to the edge of Detritus' defense platforms. Spensa asks Cobb if she can go check it out, as [[Platform Prime]] is closer to the ship than the ground crews. Cobb consents, on the condition that [[Kimmalyn]] go with her. 
=== Chapter 7 ===
=== Chapter 16 ===
[[Morriumur]] and [[Spensa]] enter a cafeteria, and Morriumur tells Spensa a little more of how their species' reproduction works, and they argue about the hypocrisy of the [[Superiority]]. Morriumur tells Spensa they are joining the Superiority's pilots because they were born with a high level of aggression for a [[dione]], and they thought this the best way to prove themselves to their family. The cafeteria has food and liquid for all kinds of species, so [[M-Bot]] tells Spensa what [[Alanik]] would be able to eat that Spensa can consume too. Morriumur tells Spensa of his theory of why so many species, flora, and fauna across the galaxy look and act so similarly: he believes humanoid [[cytonics]] crossed the galaxy before they had stone tools. Spensa and Morriumur continue discussing the ethics how dione families choose whether or not to birth a child based on its personality, when [[Hesho]] and his crew enter the cafeteria. Hesho proposes a formal alliance between his crew, Spensa, and Morriumur, and the trio hypothesize what their Superiority training will entail next. None of them know much about [[delver]]s, so none of them know exactly what to expect. Hesho calls out the Department of Protective Services for its lack of empathy, and the group settles into eating their meals. Spensa hears the song of the stars outside of [[Starsight (station)|Starsight's]] cytoshield, she also hears the humming of [[Brade]]'s cytonics nearby. She excuses herself to use the restroom, and goes towards the humming. She turns a corner and sees Brade speaking with a group of dione officials and [[Winzik]]. 
=== Chapter 17 ===
[[Spensa]] crouches by the door, listening to [[Winzik]] and the [[dione]]'s conversation, when [[M-Bot]] tells her he can enhance her bracelet's auditory reception capabilities so she can better listen to the conversation. He does so, and Spensa hears another dione, named [[Tizmar]], arguing with Winzik over the ethics of using live [[Starfighter#Destructors|destructor]] fire on untrained pilots, telling him there were a dozen casualties. Spensa feels a mind pressing against her own, and hears another official ask why [[Brade]] is standing up, alert. Spensa realizes Brade can sense her too, so she scrambles back to the cafeteria and sits down back at her table just before Winzik comes in and stares straight at her. A dione official comes up to their table some time later and informs Spensa and [[Hesho]] they will be in a flight together, along with Brade and a cinnamon-smelling [[figment]] named [[Vapor]]. [[Morriumur]] is left in a flight of his own until Spensa argues with the official, who gives in and allows Morriumur to join their flight. The group splits up, and M-Bot tells Spensa he has partially succeeded in lying, he tripped his security alarms to stop a group of engineers from inspecting him. Spensa comes to the conclusion that if she can't steal a [[Superiority]] hyperdrive, maybe she can steal one of their [[cytonics]], Brade, by telling her of [[Detritus]] and a group of humans who would appreciate her flying abilities. 
=== Chapter 18 ===
=== Chapter 26 ===
The ''[[Weights and Measures]]'' enters the [[nowhere]], and all of the eyes focus on the ship's cytonic hyperdrive, until one eye stares right at [[Spensa]], just before the ship returns to [[Starsight (station)|Starsight's]] docks. While waiting to dock in the jump room, Spensa overhears [[Hesho]] talking to Senator [[Aria]] about even though each vote went unanimously against him, the [[Superiority]] still suspects him of exerting his influence as the former monarch over the Senate. He tells Aria that the Superiority must want the Senate to choose what they want, not what Hesho wants. Spensa discusses the Superiority's hegemony of the worlds of "lesser races" with Hesho but doesn't see [[Morriumur]] seated behind them, so he walks away, embarrassed. [[Brade]] tells Spensa she thinks the flight is making progress, which is a huge step in the  right direction for her and Spensa's relationship, and on her way off the ship, Spensa tells the guard at the intersection near the engine room that she has to use the restroom. The guard calls for a drone, who leads her past the guard and to a restroom. Spensa times herself and overhears the drone operator speaking with a colleague over the drone's unmuted mic. The drone escorts her back to the intersection, where Hesho has been waiting. Spensa tells Hesho she is a [[cytonics|cytonic]], and he tells her of his grandmother's attempt to steal a cytonic hyperdrive a few decades back and his species' subsequent temporary loss of citizenship. On the shuttle back to the embassy, Spensa notices that [[Gul'zah]] and his protesters are no longer protesting, and [[M-Bot]] tells her they reached an agreement with the Superiority, compensation for the families of the deceased and a promise to institute stricter safety protocol in future tryouts.
=== Chapter 27 ===
=== Chapter 30 ===
[[Spensa]] boards the ''[[Weights and Measures]]'' and has her bag inspected, but her camouflaged drone evades detection. She again heads to the intersection near the engine room and tells the guard stationed there she needs to use the restroom. The guard calls for a drone, who escorts her to the restroom. Spensa silently takes off her backpack, unpacks the drone, and sets the plan into motion. While leaving the restroom, she realizes she forgot her destructor pistol on the drone, and at the same time [[Winzik]] comes on over the comm announcing that [[Superiority]] government officials are onboard the ''Weights and Measures'' to observe the progress of the [[delver]] training program. After arriving at the delver maze, Spensa and [[Brade]] take a run, and encounter embers moving at speeds above Mag-4, and Spensa and Brade have to perform extremely complex [[Starfighter#Light-Lance|light lance]] maneuvers and [[Starfighter#Destructors|destructor]] shots to survive. Spensa asks Flight Command what the fast embers were, and Winzik tells them some embers have been observed to move at extreme speeds and exhibit reckless behavior, so the Department of Protective Services equipped some of the drones with more powerful boosters. Spensa and Brade continue moving through the delver maze, and eventually reach a room that Spensa's sensors indicate has artificial gravity, and even an atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen. Brade exits her starfighter and Spensa follows, and the pair explore the heart of the delver. Spensa postulates  that the delver maze the Superiority claims to have been a leftover human project may actually be a dead delver, as she has experienced hallucinations Superiority technology could not produce, such as the eyes on the walls and images of Spensa. Brade rejects this, and Spensa sees a web of deep green by a pile of rocks and pushes it away. Its absence reveals a two meter hole that Brade enters. No pilots have ever returned from the inside of the membrane, so there is nothing else beyond the hole. Brade tells Spensa she is done training, as the rooms are repeating themselves and will make the pilots grow complacent and unprepared for when they have to really face a delver. Spensa disagrees, and Brade returns to her ship and tells Flight Command she is going to test the superweapon. She pushes a button on her starfighter's console, and a flash bursts from her ship and Spensa is hit with an invisible wave that leaves her knowing exactly where [[Detritus]] is.
=== Chapter 31 ===
=== Chapter 39 ===
[[Spensa]] runs back to the dock of [[Platform Prime]], gets into her [[Superiority]]-issued [[starfighter]], and takes off. She tries to look for [[Brade]]'s starfighter in the battle, but is unsuccessful. She spots the ''[[Swims Against the Current in a Stream Reflecting the Sun]]'' and flies towards it, hoping [[Hesho]] will know where Brade is. Spensa tries opening a private comm line but receives no response. She pops the cockpit and floats out above her ship, telling Hesho he can take the first shot at a human. They go back and forth, arguing about Spensa lying versus Hesho only knowing one person during their time in training, and that person he knew was not a mindless killing machine in the way the Superiority describes humans. She tells him that [[Winzik]] plans to use Brade to summon a delver, and [[Kauri]] chimes in and asks Hesho to ask his crew. The comm goes silent, and Hesho is overruled. Thethe crew decides not toagainst shootshooting Spensa, overruling Hesho. Hesho informs Spensa that [[Morriumur]] decided to end his time as a pilot and that [[Vapor]] is somewhere in the fight. Kauri tells Spensa they were instructed to protect Brade at all costs, which further supports Spensa's assumptions. As a sign of good Faithfaith, Spensa tells Hesho aboutthat the [[taynix]] and them beingare the secretbasis tofor the Superiority's hyperdrives. Hesho tells Spensa he has the ''[[Weights and Measures]]'' battle plan, and a [[kitsen]] onboard tells Spensa the coordinates Brade should be at. Another kitsen tells Hesho that the ''Weights and Measures'' has contacted them and asked them what they are doing, so Hesho tells them to stall. [[Vapor]] patchesopens a private comm line to Spensa and tells her she's figured out that Spensa's really from [[Detritus]]. Spensa tells Vapor her theory about Brade, and Vapor agrees. The trio takes a defensive position and moves in on Brade. Spensa calls [[Cobb]] on the general [[DDF]] line and tells him to have all pilots cut off all communications, and even power down Platform Prime, as Brade is about to summon a delver. Cobb says he will, and the trio approach Brade and patch through a comm line to her. Brade tells Spensa she's always wanted to see who's the better of the two of them, then Spensa mutes the line and tells Vapor and Hesho they can't shoot to disable, they have to shoot to kill.
=== Chapter 40 ===
[[Spensa]], [[Vapor]], and [[Hesho]] give Chasechase, but are outclassed by [[Brade]], who gets a shot on Vapor that takes off her wing and part of her cockpit, while striking Hesho's ship, making it vent air. Spensa and Brade engage in one on one combat, chasing each other, not able to get a shot off. Spensa realizes she doesn't need to beat Brade on her own, so leads her back towards Vapor, who is able to take control of her [[starfighter]] and lock it down. Spensa takes a shot at Brade's cockpit, but not before Brade lets loose a shrill [[cytonics|cytonic]] scream, and something emerges from the [[nowhere]].
=== Chapter 41 ===
The emergence of the [[delver]] pushessends Spensa's shot wide and pushes her ship aside. Spensa fears she has failed, alland whilefeels poweredthe downdelver's Platformemotions Primebegin andto itswash fleetover holdher, itsdrawing breathout inher anticipationanger over how everyone on [[Detritus]] will die while the people on [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]] are safe. SpensaIn triesa desperate attempt to distractsave ither people, andSpensa feedstries itto mentally point out the locationdearth of theradio loudcommunications around Detritus and buzzinginstead spacenudge stationit shealong [[Winzik]]'ds video feed back to Starsight and all of the justradio comecommunications fromthere. The delver vanishes, and reality ripples, andleaving Spensa both relieved and confused as she realizes she has loosed the delver on [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]].
=== Chapter 42 ===
[[Kauri]] tells [[Spensa]] that [[Hesho]] is dead, and [[Vapor]] tells her the [[Superiority]] might retreat after the failure of their weapon, but Spensa tells her it is headed towards [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]]. Vapor and Kauri panic, and [[Brade]] patches through a private comm, demanding to know what Spensa did. Spensa tells her she saved their people, and Brade slips into the [[nowhere]]. [[Becca Nightshade|Spensa's grandmother]] reaches out to Spensa [[cytonics|cytonically]] and urges her to help save the people of Starsight and prove that the Superiority is wrong about humans. Spensa then tells Vapor and Kauri to touch their wings to hers, and she brings all three ships intothrough the nowhere, towardsback [[Starsightto (station)|Starsight]].
=== Interlude I-3 ===
[[Morriumur]] is with his family, ready to go into a pod to separate so his parents can repupate. His family's eldest grand, [[Numiga]], helps him into the pod and tries to soothe his fears. He begins to feel disoriented as his brains separate, when [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]] is shook by a massive force. While his family is distracted and begins to run away, he gets out of his pod, forces his brain and body to return to normal, and stands to face the [[delver]].
[[Cuna]] stands sitting on a balcony with one of her [[figment]]s, [[Zezin]], watching the [[delver]] approach and fling its embers. They realize that [[Winzik]] has lost control of the delver and Cuna tells Zezin fleesto go, since his ability to travel through the air might enable him to reach a ship in time to hyperjump away; Zezin promises to resist Winzik and clean up his mess. As Cuna contemplates how little she can do, she observes a trio of starfighters[[starfighter]]s pop into existence just outside [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]]'s shield.
=== Chapter 43 ===