Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Brazales de Duelo (libro)»

→‎Chapter 8: added a link for Irich
m (→‎Chapter 8: added a link for Irich)
[[Wax]] gets to a vial and drinks it down, although their is some delay before he can burn steel. He goes after [[Steris]] and they both splash into the river they were passing over. He uses one of the ball and cord devices to get back on the bridge after retrieving the shotgun from the bottom of the river. Steris is delighted with the whole adventure. They get back to the locomotive thanks to a big steelpush. The bandits are installing some sort of device. Wax kills the one at the controls, who slumps down on the brake. They are only minutes from the next town.
[[Marasi]] is still looking for Steris, comforting hysterical passengers as she goes. One [[Irich|man]] with a cane is calmly standing in the hall, and she tells him to get back to safety. He opens his hand and Marasi raises her rifle, but the train suddenly brakes. The man takes off, and he has dropped a small cube. Marasi collects it.
Wax shoots several bandits and deactivates and Pushes overboard the "device," which was really just a case of dynamite. The giant [[Coinshot]] reappears, and Wax manages to attach a ball and cord device to him, yanking him off the train. There are still several more bandits, and Wax is unarmed. They suddenly stop moving. Marasi has them trapped in a speed bubble.
Editors, Keepers
