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Antes de la Shaod, Raoden tiene el pelo marrónrubio arena, los ojos azules andy aun handsomerostro faceatractivo. Cuando la Shaod le alcanza, el pelo se le cae el eplo y su piel andse hisvuelve skingris becamey wrinkledarrugada andcon greymanchas with dark splotchesnegras, likecomo allcualquier otherotro Elantrianselantrino.{{book ref|elantris|1}} Una vez que Elantris es restaurada, adquieresu piel plateadaadquiere yun pelotono blancoheplateado gainedy silversu skinpelo andun purecolor whiteblanco hairpuro.{{book ref|elantris|61}}
Raoden tiene un actitud optimista y un fuerte deseo de mejorar las vidas de la gente que le rodea. HeTiene isuna well-educatedbuena andeducación skilledy ines debatemuy andhábil publiccon speaking.los Hedebates hasy ala keenoratoria. abilityA toRaoden determinese howle anyda onemuy personbien candeterminar bequé usefulpuede inaportar promotingcada thepersona benefital ofbien the wholecomún. En Elantris muestra claramente sus dotes de liderazgo. HeTiene hasuna amano skillfuldiestra handy andes ismuy ablecompetente toa proficientlyla learnhora andde drawde Aons.aprender Thisy dibujar aones. inEsto turnhace meansque thatsea hecasi isun quiteexperto adeptcon withel [[AonDor]].
== Atributos y habilidades ==
AsComo an Elantrianelantrino, Raoden hastienehas enhanced speed, strength, insight and extreme regeneration. Not even decapitation would kill him. Raoden shows proficiency in drawing Aons. Both Galladon and Sarene comment on the grace and speed Raoden shows when drawing the symbols in the air.{{book ref|elantris|43}} When he connects to the Dor, he shows skills in crafting illusions and combat Aons. Raoden has been mentioned as being "closer to the Dor than others" making his Aons more powerful.
While sparring with Sarene under the guise of a noble named Kaloo, he shows that he is close in skill to Sarene and can fend off most of her attacks.{{book ref|Elantris|50}} He later reveals that he was taught by [[Eondel]]{{book ref|elantris|51}}. As a prince, Raoden proves himself to be a capable leader by uniting the separate factions of Elantris{{book ref|elantris|34}} and restoring the city to its glory.{{book ref|elantris|61}} Raoden is Bonded to the Seon [[Ien]]. He can use him to communicate with other Seons.
