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{{quote|Enough wordplay, priest. I want promises. Are you saying that if we convert to [[Derethi]], you will grant us greater holdings?|Ramear to [[Hrathen]]{{book ref|Elantris|9}}}}
'''Ramear''' was a young, minor [[Arelish]] noble, the second son of an unimportant baron.{{book ref|Elantris|9}}
== History ==
When [[Hrathen]] attempted to convert many of the young Arelene nobles to [[Shu-Dereth]], Ramear was among them.{{book ref|Elantris|9}} Ramear was amenable to conversion, but only if Hrathen was seriously promising rewards for his conversion. Following Hrathen's assurances that he would be rewarded, Ramear pondered Hrathan's offer. Hrathen believed that he had Ramear convinced, and planned to meet with him in private with a more solid promise.
== Appearance & Personality ==
Ramear seems to have been shrewd, but not overly loyal to his nation.{{book ref|Elantris|9}} He was intelligent enough to make sure that Hrathen was promising concrete benefits in exchange for his conversion to Shu-Dereth, but did not seem to care that in doing so he was betraying his own kingdom. Ramear was also very straightforward in his words and actions, directly asking what Hrathen was offering him.
== History ==
When [[Hrathen]] attempted to convert many of the young Arelene nobles to [[Shu-Dereth]], Ramear was among them.{{book ref|Elantris|9}} Ramear was amenable to conversion, but only if Hrathen was seriously promising rewards for his conversion. Following Hrathen's assurances that he would be rewarded, Ramear pondered Hrathan's offer. Hrathen believed that he had Ramear convinced, and planned to meet with him in private with a more solid promise.
== Notes ==