Diferencia entre revisiones de «Plantilla:Architecture»

→‎Universes: You lie, there's nothing inherent in the template that enforces these values for the universe parameter. It's just custom.
m (oops)
m (→‎Universes: You lie, there's nothing inherent in the template that enforces these values for the universe parameter. It's just custom.)
=== Universes ===
While many of Brandon Sanderson's stories take place in named connected universes, some do not. For categorization purposes, we use dedicated names only for connected universes (i.e. universes with stories taking place on multiple planets), and consider everything else a standalone universe. Currently,Current the only valid values for the <code>universe</code> parameteruniverses are:
* [[Cosmere]]
* [[Cytoverse]]
* Skyward universe
* [[Wode]] [[State]]s
* Standalone
Note that by convention <code><nowiki>[[Cosmere]]</nowiki></code>these should be linked as they are above.
=== Categories & Tags ===