Diferencia entre revisiones de «Pináculo (Roshar)»

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The palace has been constructed by the royal [[Soulcaster]]s sometime early on during the [[War of Reckoning]].{{book ref|sa1|24}} Elhokar eventually dubbed it the Pinnacle, and the name stuck.{{book ref|sa2|5}}
During its existence, the place served as Elhokar's home, as well as the place where strategy and planning meetings were conducted, making it effectively the centre of [[Alethi]] government.{{book ref|sa2|24}}{{book ref|sa2|36}} In addition, the Pinnacle saw several failed attempts to assassinate the king - once by the [[Diagram (group)|Diagram]], through a sliced railing in the royal quarters, once by the [[Assassin in White]], and once directly by [[Moash]] and [[Graves]].{{book ref|sa2|23}}{{book ref|sa2|32}}{{book ref|sa2|84}} Following that last attempt, [[Kaladin]] temporarily relocated Elhokar to [[Little Herdaz]].{{book ref|sa2|87}}
After the [[Battle of Narak]], most Alethi relocated to [[Urithiru]]. As with the other structures, the Pinnacle was all but abandoned.{{book ref|sa3|50}}