Diferencia entre revisiones de «Pezfino»

25 bytes eliminados ,  hace 4 años
Fixing five grammatical errors. Correctness: Looking good Clarity: Very clear Engagement: Very engaging Delivery: Just right
(Fixing five grammatical errors. Correctness: Looking good Clarity: Very clear Engagement: Very engaging Delivery: Just right)
== Ecology ==
SlimfishSlim fish are a silvery color and swim in schools.{{book ref|sixth}} They have the ability tocan jump out the water as a group when surprised, but if a large predator gets too close, they all become still. SlimfishSlim fish are native to the seas around the [[Pantheon]], although itthey ismay possible they arebe native to other bodies of water as well. The slimfishslim fish make too small a meal to interest a [[deepwalker]], but they still are spooked by its presence.
== Notes ==
