Diferencia entre revisiones de «Padre Tormenta»

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The [[Vorin]] religion often identifies the Stormfather with the [[Almighty]], as well as one or more of the [[Herald]]s. In [[Alethkar]], it's commonly believed that [[Jezrien]] and the Stormfather are the same entity.{{book ref|sa1|34}} In [[Natanatan]], the same is said about [[Kalak]].{{book ref|sa3|i|1}} A common punishment for some criminals in Vorin countries is being strung up in a [[highstorm]], to be "judged by the Stormfather", which typically equals a death sentence.{{book ref|sa1|21}}
The word "stormfather" is somethinga used as acommon curse word, similar to other variations of the word "storm".
The [[listener]]s believe him to be a traitor to their kind, who protected humans instead of them. They still respect him, though, believing that he would kill anyone who doesn't, leading to a mix of awe and fear in their society.{{book ref|sa2|i|5}}
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