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[[File:Gold.png{{icon|gold|m|150px|thumb|right|The Allomantic symbol for gold]]}}
'''Gold''' is the internal temporal pulling metal. An Allomancer burning gold is able to see who they could have been in the past, had they made different choices. Feruchemists can use gold to store health, and when used as a Hemalurgic spike, gold steals temporal Feruchemy.
==Feruchemical Use==
[[File:Gold_(Feruchemy).jpg{{icon|gold|m|150px|thumb|right|The Feruchemical symbol for gold]]}}
A gold [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Bloodmaker'''. Gold is used to store health. A goldmind can be tapped to both heal at an accelerated rate or to heal from wounds that would normally be fatal.{{ref|b|mb4|ars}} It is hard to fill a goldmind, due to the fact that it requires the Feruchemist to spend time sickly and weak.
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