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'''M-Bot''' is a sentient artificial intelligence installed inside a stealth-equipped starfighter. Its formal designation is MB-1021 and it classifies itself as a "robotic ship integration." The ship is found by Spensa in a cavern about thirty minutes walk from [[Alta]].
M-Bot's data banks were corrupted, but it remembers its last pilot, named Commander [[Spears]]. The only information M-Bot could find was a command from Spears: "Lie low, M-Bot. Take stock, don't get into any fights, and wait for me here."{{book ref|skyward|17}}
== History ==
At some point M-Bot's pilot [[Spears]] landed on [[Detritus]] and hid his ship before abandoning it. andHe presumablyis dying,presumed asdead by M-Bot, estimatedas centuries172 years have past. During the years, M-bot had passedfollowed beforethe helast waswords revivedof his pilot and hidden himself inside a cave, covering himself with 3D holograms of rocks until the backup power has run out recently.{{clarify}} {{expand}}{{cite}}
When [[Spensa]] discoversdiscovered M-Bot, the shipsship's wings arewere falling off and thereit's ispower nomatrix batteryis chargecompletely drained.{{citebook ref|Skyward|4}} She startsstarted repairing the ship, scavenging parts between her time at [[Flight School]]. ThisAfter culminatestrying in stealingon a batterypower from [[Jorgen Weight]]'s hovercar, and powering on the ship to discover M-Bot's personality.{{cite}} She enlists her friend [[Rig]] to help repair the ship further.{{cite}} She gets Jorgen to help take partsmatrix from thean wreckageold ofwater [[Hurl]]'sheater [[starfighter]] to her lair.{{cite}}{{expand}}
to no avail, she stole a battery from [[Jorgen Weight]]'s hovercar. She powered on the ship and is surprised to discover M-Bot's personality.{{book ref|Skyward|16}} She enlists her friend [[Rig]], who then joined the Engineering Corps, where he can get the knowledge and parts to repair M-bot.{{book ref|Skyward|17}} Rig fixed most of M-bot's systems as well as his battered hull and wings. Finally, Spensa gets Jorgen to help her steal the booster from the wreckage of [[Hurl]]'s [[starfighter]] and made M-bot fully functional.{{book ref|Skyward|35}}{{expand}}
Spensa suspected that M-bot is a Krell ship since such technology is not possessed by humans, to which M-bot responded with writing a vocal aggression subroutine to express his anger. Though M-bot admitted that with most of his memories lost, he can't deny there's a possibility that it is right, it is still highly unlikely because it uses English.{{clarify}} Spensa dismissed this thought later on.
During the second Battle of Alta, Spensa's ship is shot down and she pilots M-Bot to victory, before escaping the planet and finding out the truth about Detritus.{{cite}}{{expand}}
During one of Spensa's flight class, M-bot hacked into DDF's system and chatted to her. M-bot utilized his analyzing ability to help her further advance in her flying techniques, though sometimes Spensa finds it distracting to have M-bot talking to her.
However, after having a cruise with Spensa, M-bot realized that going like this, he would eventually go against the orders and get discovered or engaged in a fight. Out of fear, he shut himself down and refuse to respond to Spensa.
During the second Battle of Alta, Spensa's ship was shot down. But M-bot appeared just in time, explaining that he made a subroutine to hack himself;Spensa is now his pilot. Since M-Bot has no Destructers, he and Spensa tried to lure [[Krell]] ships away. Because of M-bot's superior performance and Spensa's exceptional maneuver, they provoked a dozen [[Krell]] fighters, who always attack the best pilot. They dodged many attacks, allowing the tide of the battle to turn over. However, when DDF finally shot down the bomber with [[Lifebuster]], it was already in the range of destroying [[Alta Base]]. Using Light-lance, they carried the bomb out of the death zone but also put themselves in the place of sure death. At the last moment, Spensa activated [[Cytonic]] hyperdrive. They performed FTL travel and escaped from the explosion unharmed. Spensa then spotted an opening in the debris field and flied out to discover the truth about Detritus.{{book ref|Skyward|54}}{{book ref|Skyward|55}}{{expand}}
== Capabilities ==
According to himself, M-Bot hasis manya stealth ship{{book ref|Skyward|17}}, therefore he is able to hide from scanners, hack into systems and project holographic images. He is also equipped with many other technologies superior to DDF fighters, with most of which are non-functional or absent when Spensa discovers him. These include:
* space for up to four [[Destructor]]s* ([[Destructor]]s not included)
* a [[Light-lance]]*
