Diferencia entre revisiones de «Luthadel»

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#[[House Erikeller|Erikeller]]
#[[House Erikell|Erikell]]
#[[House Haught|Haught]]
#[[House Urbain|Urbain]]
#[[House Buvidas|Buvidas]]
Following the death of the Lord Ruler, all of the members of the Great Houses fled Luthadel, with the exception of Elend Venture, who established a new government, a constitutional monarchy. The King held the executive power, as well as commanding the armies and having power of treaties. The 24-man parliament (which initially included Elend, even though he was also King), acted as a legislative branch, and had the power to invoke a no-confidence clause to depose the sitting king. This clause was successfully invoked during the siege of Luthadel, when Lord Penrod was elected as king in place of Elend Venture.