Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lirin»

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=== Hijos perdidos ===
==== Rillir ====
Tras una catastrófica caza de un [[espinablanca]], el hijo de Roshone, [[Rillir]], muere en el quirófano de Lirin. TheSus youngsirvientes manllevaron wascorriendo broughta back,ambos alongojos withclaros hisal father,pueblo aheadadelantándose ofal theresto restde ofla thepartida huntingde partycaza incon thela hopesesperanza hede couldque bepudieran savedsalvar al joven. TwoDos otherspersonas weremás injuriesresultaron inheridas thepor attack,el howeverataque de la bestia, [[Alds]] andy [[Milp]], hadpero beena leftestos tolos behan retrieveddejado bytirados they othera la espera de otros vecinos que les townsfolkayuden. TheyProbablemente likelyambos diedmuriesen ofpor theirlas woundsheridas causadas por el espinablanca. Las heridas de Rillir's woundseran wereconsiderables extensivey, anddespués afterde anevaluar assessmentsu estado, Lirin determinedestima heque couldno notpuede save the boysalvarle. Roshone, lyingque onse encuentra en otra mesa tumbado, ordena a separategritos tableal screamedcirujano atque theatienda surgeona tosu helphijo. hisSin son, howeverembargo, Lirin insteadopta optedpor toasistir tendal to Roshoneconsistor, whosea woundspesar weren'tde asque severesus heridas son más leves. HeLes administeredda [[dazewateraturdeagua]] toa theambos brightlordojos toclaros: calma him,Roshone aspara welltranquilizarlo, asy toa Rillir topara easealiviar hissu sufferingsufrimiento. WhenAl hesacar removedel thecolmillo whitespinedel tuskespinablanca fromde Roshone'sla legpierna de Roshone, Lirin wasse presentedda withcuenta thede opportunityque totiene endla theoportunidad citylord'sde life.acabar Unablecon tola killvida thosedel inconsistor his(rebanándole chargela arteria femoral, hehaciendo insteadque chosese todesangre) savey thesalir brightlord'simpune. Incapaz de asesinar a un paciente, el cirujano se decide por salvar al brillante lifeseñor. AfterAl theterminar operationla operación, Roshone wasregresa returneda tosu hismansión manora todescansar, resty andse hisdesplaza son'sel bodycuerpo sentde tosu thehijo crypta la cripta. OnceDe againnuevo sittingen onlos theescalones stepsde outsidefuera ofde theirsu homecasa, Kaladin questionedpregunta hisa fathersu overpadre whethersi hehabría wouldmatado have leta Roshone diesi ifél heno hadhubiese notestado alsoen beenel in the roomquirófano. Lirin respondedresponde innegativamente, they negative;aclara hea couldsu nothijo haveque letno anotherpodría inmatar hisa careun diepaciente, thoughpero Kaladin'sque presencesu presencia le ayudó a hadno helpeddejarse tollevar strengthenpor hisla resolveoportunidad.{{book ref|sa1|41}}
After Rillir's death, Lirin began to spend brightlord Wistiow's spheres. He did not need to do this; the family could survive as they were and had been offered assistance by Hesina's parents if required. However, by spending the spheres Lirin presented the illusion that Roshone had won and he had finally broken. He planned to continue in this fashion until Kaladin had reached the age of sixteen, and the spheres could be sent with him to Kharbranth. Regardless, Lirin did not enjoy having to spend the spheres.{{book ref|sa1|44}}