Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lift»

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== History ==
=== Early Life ===
Despite Lift's race, she was not born in the [[Reshi Isles]].{{book ref|wor|i|9}} The only reason that she knew that she was Reshi was that her mother told her so. She never lived there or knew her people at all. Lift grew up in the city of [[Rall Elorim]], the City of Shadows, in [[Iri]]. Lift had a tough childhood there. It appears she grew up on the streets there, learning to move through crowds with ease. It is possible that Lift learned her thieving skills in Rall Elorim. She eventually left Rall Elorim for unknown reasons, possibly due to her difficult life. It also seems likely that this was the time in her life when Lift attempted to stop caring.
Lift also visited the [[Valley]] to see the [[Nightwatcher]] and ask a boon of her.{{book ref|wor|i|9}} It is unknown what Lift's request was, or what Lift's curse was, but it appears that her boon was that Nightwatcher altered her to exist partially in the [[Realmatic_Theory#Cognitive_Realm|Cognitive realm]]. Due to this incredible power bestowed upon Lift by their mother, the [[Ring]] decided that Wyndle should be sent to bond with her, so he could mold her while she was still young. This granted Lift her [[Surgebinding]] abilities.
Lift spent some time in [[Marabethia]], where she was hunted by [[Darkness]], because he believed that her Surgebinding could bring another [[Desolation]] to Roshar.{{book ref|wor|i|9}} She fled Marabethia and went to the capital of [[Azir]], [[Azimir]]. There, Lift fell in with a crew of thieves. The crew was made up of [[Tigzikk]], who Lift called Tig, [[Huqin]], his nephew Gawx, [[Maxin]], and two unnamed brothers who were quick with knives. Tigzikk was the only one Lift knew well. An informant told him which night would be good for robbing the [[Bronze Palace]], while the vizerate was busy choosing a new [[Prime AquaisixAqasix]], following the death of the last two at the hands of [[Szeth]]. Lift could have robbed the palace on her own, but she felt like she owed it to Tigzikk to help him, and she wanted to make sure that he would be safe.
=== Bronze Palace Heist ===