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[[File:Koloss.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Two koloss.]]
The '''koloss''' were a bestial race of creatures on [[Scadrial]], featured in the [[Mistborn trilogy]]. Koloss were created by the [[Lord Ruler]] through the use of [[Hemalurgy]].{{ref|b|mb3|c|37}}{{ref|b|mb3|c|40}} During the time of the Lord Ruler, koloss served as a powerful, fiercly loyal army to him, thanks in no small part to the fact that they could be controlled through the use of [[Allomancy]] by any powerful [[Mistborn]] or group of [[brass]] [[misting]]s. {{ref|b|mb2|c|54}}{{ref|b|mb3|c|3}}{{ref|b|mb3|e|21}}. After Harmony's Ascension, however, the koloss were changedtransformed into a unique and true-breedingtribal race that livedcould inbreed, tribeswhich lived in the [[Roughs]]. {{citeref|?|428|10|The Koloss who were in the cavern at the time survived, and were changed to become a race that breeds true, rather than Hemalurgic monsters.}}
When a koloss reached about twelve feet, their hearts could no longer sustain their bodies, and they would die shortly thereafter.
When a fellow koloss dies, other koloss in the vicinity would attempt to collect and reuse the spikes from the dead one. This resulted in the koloss being able to reproduce in a manner of speaking, provided that they had someone to stick the spikes into.{{cite}} The koloss were periodically supplied with fresh spikes and skaa captives to produce more koloss, but after the death of the Lord Ruler, they learned how to reproduce on their own, via harvesting the spikes from their dead brethren and re-using them.{{ref|b|mb3|e|42}}
Because of this, after the Lord Ruler's control over the koloss ended, many of the koloss would attack nearby human inhabitants.
== Creation ==
Similar to [[Steel Inquisitor]]s, the creation of a koloss was very brutal. To create a koloss, 4 humans were stabbed with individual iron spikes through their heart, and these spikes were then placed strategically on to a fifth person, causing them to becomes a koloss. These spikes could be reused, however, the power of the spikes decreases with re-use.{{citeref|b|mb3|e|40}}
== Powers ==
The only real powers in a koloss' arsenal were superhuman strength, and increased size. However, this came at a price. Koloss in the [[Final Empire]] were nowhere near as intelligent as they were as a human. However, they still retained the faint ability to reason, and the ability to communicate, and the re-use of spikes from dead koloss to create more resulted in koloss that retained more of their former humanity.{{citeref|b|mb3|e|42}}
== Culture ==
