Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kelsier»

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Per wob:14641, Kelsier's "avatar" isn't an avatar in the sense of Shardic avatars (which is what avatar links to), so that link isn't really appropriate
m (Per wob:14641, Kelsier's "avatar" isn't an avatar in the sense of Shardic avatars (which is what avatar links to), so that link isn't really appropriate)
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=== Cosmere-wide Activity ===
Kelsier is known as Thaidakar{{book ref|sa4|115}} to the [[Ghostbloods]], a secret society that operates on several planets, including [[Roshar]]. Kelsier is the presumed leader of the organization, which [[Mraize]] calls "the most powerful organization in all the cosmere."{{book ref|sa4|115}} He is referred to by [[Hoid]] as "the Lord of Scars."{{book ref|sa4|115}} Kelsier is [[Iyatil]]'s master. While he is incapable of leaving Scadrial in person, he uses an [[avatar]] to visit the Ghostbloods on Roshar.{{book ref|sa4|115}} He appears to be using the Ghostbloods to find a way for him to leave Scadrial and is very interested in learning from the [[Heralds]], particularly [[Kalak]], as they are subject to a similar restriction.{{book ref|sa4|13}}{{book ref|sa4|82}}{{book ref|sa4|115}} When assassinated by [[Szeth]], [[Gavilar]] suspects Thaidakar of ordering his death.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}
== Quotes ==