Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kalak»

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m (Minor cleanup)
m (moved abilities section)
== Appearance and Personality ==
Vorin artwork seems to present Kalak as a young man.{{file ref|Kalak.jpg|Kalak's chapter capstone}} He initially volunteered to become a Herald, but, by the [[Last Desolation]], he is terrified of dying and returning to [[Braize]] to be tortured. He has vivid, painful memories of the torture that sometime cause him to briefly lose his grip on reality. He knows that he's losing his mind and growing weak, and when given the choice to abandon the Oathpact, he's aware and terrified of the consequences. However, by this point his fear of torture far outweighs his sense of duty.{{book ref|sa1|prelude}}
== History ==
[[File:Kalak Prelude.jpg |thumb|left|230px|<center><small>by [[User: Botanicaxu]]</small></center>]]
Kalak was born on [[Ashyn]], and made the journey to [[Roshar]] when his home planet was destroyed by the overuse of [[Surge]]s.{{wob ref|11945}}{{book ref|sa3|111}} When a war between humans and the native [[singer]]s started and the [[Fused]] began to appear, he, along with nine others, was made [[Herald]] by [[Honor]].{{book ref|sa3|48}} During the [[Desolation]]s, his particular speciality was teaching people craftsmanship, mainly smithing bronze.{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}
At [[Aharietiam]], Kalak was late to the appointed meeting place for all the surviving Heralds. There, he found only [[Jezrien]], awaiting him, uncertain whether or not Kalak had perished. When Kalak confessed to his fear of returning to [[Braize]], as was the Heralds' duty in-between the Desolations, Jezrien told him about [[Ishar]]'s plan to abandon [[Taln]] to the [[Oathpact]]. Though initially apprehensive, Kalak agreed readily enough, out of fear of the tortures. He and Jezrien left their [[Honorblade]]s along with the others, and departed in opposite directions.{{book ref|sa1|part=prelude}}
Kalak's current fate is uncertain, though he has definitely survived to the present times. It's likely he's accompanied [[Nale]] to visit [[Gavilar Kholin]] on the night of the latter's assassination.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
He seems to have some knowledge of metalworking and smithing, as at the start of each Desolation, it was his duty to re-teach humanity how to cast bronze for weapons.{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}
== History ==
[[File:Kalak Prelude.jpg |thumb|left|230px|<center><small>by [[User: Botanicaxu]]</small></center>]]
Kalak was born on [[Ashyn]], and made the journey to [[Roshar]] when his home planet was destroyed by the overuse of [[Surge]]s.{{wob ref|11945}}{{book ref|sa3|111}} When a war between humans and the native [[singer]]s started and the [[Fused]] began to appear, he, along with nine others, was made [[Herald]] by [[Honor]].{{book ref|sa3|48}} During the [[Desolation]]s, his particular speciality was teaching people craftsmanship, mainly smithing bronze.{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}
At [[Aharietiam]], Kalak was late to the appointed meeting place for all the surviving Heralds. There, he found only [[Jezrien]], awaiting him, uncertain whether or not Kalak had perished. When Kalak confessed to his fear of returning to [[Braize]], as was the Heralds' duty in-between the Desolations, Jezrien told him about [[Ishar]]'s plan to abandon [[Taln]] to the [[Oathpact]]. Though initially apprehensive, Kalak agreed readily enough, out of fear of the tortures. He and Jezrien left their [[Honorblade]]s along with the others, and departed in opposite directions.{{book ref|sa1|part=prelude}}
Kalak's current fate is uncertain, though he has definitely survived to the present times. It's likely he's accompanied [[Nale]] to visit [[Gavilar Kholin]] on the night of the latter's assassination.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
== Culture ==
