Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kaladin»

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Since the bridgemen are supposed to be expendable, Kaladin is told that he may keep tending to the wounded men, but they will not be fed or paid while they are unable to work. He asks the other members of Bridge Four to pitch in money and food to care for the men, but he is refused—only [[Rock]] offers to share food, and only to [[Hobber]] who is the least injured.{{book ref|twok|21}} Instead, Kaladin comes up with the idea of collecting [[knobweed]] sap, a valuable antiseptic that he can use to care for the injured and sell for money. Gaining the trust of Rock and [[Teft]], Kaladin has them help collect the knobweed sap. Syl helps as well, finding patches of knobweed and guiding Rock—who is mysteriously able to see her—to them. While working to extract the sap, Kaladin starts building camaraderie with the two men, managing to get Rock to open up and share some of his life story.{{book ref|twok|23}}
Kaladin returns to the apothecary and makes a deal for his bridge crew to gather knobweed sap in return for a [[spheres|skymark]] per bottle of sap. On returning from selling the sap, Gaz sends Bridge Four to do chasm duty, recovering valuables from the war dead who have fallen into the chasms. In the chasms, Kaladin continues building rapport with the men, getting more of them to open up about their pasts.{{book ref|twok|27}}
While working, Kaladin comes across a spear in the chasms and holds it in his hands nostalgically. The men, who have heard rumors that Kaladin was a former spearman, start to gossip about whether Kaladin was ever truly a spearman. Kaladin, ignoring the men, goes into a trance and starts to perform a practice kata. The men are left speechless at Kaladin's mesmerizing display of skill and beauty. Teft later comments that he, along with some of the other men, could see an unknown spren—actually Syl—zipping around Kaladin during his display.{{book ref|twok|27}}
The night culminates in Kaladin using the money he earned to purchase food and assigning Rock to cook a stew. Not a single person refuses to partake in eating around the fire. The next day, a majority of the men follow his orders to rise out of bed and practice.{{book ref|twok|27}}
