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Cuando el Puente Cuatro se convirtió en la refundada Orden de los Corredores del Viento, Kaladin fue ascendido de capitán a alto mariscal.{{book ref|sa4|3}} Poco antes de la ocupación de Urithiru por parte de los fusionados, Kaladin renunció, a petición de Dalinar, y se convirtió en cirujano.{{book ref|sa4|18}}{{book ref|sa4|10}} Su notoriedad como Bendito por la Tormenta{{book ref|sa4|102}} y el alto estatus social de los Radiantes{{book ref|sa4|25}} hicieron que su estatus efectivo se mantuviera alto, aunque técnicamente fuera sólo un cirujano. Fue restituido brevemente como alto mariscal durante la ocupación,{{book ref|sa4|63}} aunque vuelve a renunciar al mando al recuperar la torre.{{book ref|sa4|116}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
=== EarlyVida LifeTemprana (1153-1168) ===
==== EarlyPrimera childhoodinfancia ====
{{image|Kaladin young.jpg|width=200px|side=right|YoungEl joven Kal}}
Kaladin was born in late 1153 to Lirin and [[Hesina]], a family of second nahn, in the town of [[Hearthstone]] in [[Torol Sadeas]]' [[Sadeas princedom|princedom]] in northwestern [[Alethkar]]. His younger brother, [[Tien]] was born two years later. Growing up, Kaladin preferred the shorter name Kal to his full name, which he felt sounded like a lighteyes’s name. At the age of eight, Kal began training with his father in surgery, though he dreamed of becoming a soldier. At first, he became sick at the sight of wounds and injuries. Over the next couple of years, he grew used to the sight and assisted his father during surgeries which he figured would come in handy on the battlefield. However, the amount of time Lirin spent with books and sick people, coupled with their class disparity, made people uncomfortable to be around Lirin and Kal, by association. As a result of his isolated upbringing, Kal became very close with his brother and, at the encouragement of his parents, [[Laral Wistiow]], the daughter of the citylord.{{book ref|sa1|10}}{{book ref|sa1|16}}
In {{Rosharan date|1164}}, Kal assisted his father in amputating one of the fingers of a fifteen-year old girl named [[Sani]]. Once finished, [[Lirin]] asked Kal why he was late. Kal admitted it was because he went with [[Tien]] to see what [[Jam (Hearthstone)|Jam]], a boy two years older, had learned from his quarterstaff training. Kal was excited because Jam’s father was a soldier in Brightlord [[Amaram]]’s army. Lirin replied that he knew Jam’s father, having operated on his leg three times, a “gift” from his time as a soldier. Kal argued they needed soldiers, but Lirin claimed they needed surgeons more. Lirin doubted that his son could actually hurt someone as he cried nearly every time someone was brought to them. Kal promised he would get stronger causing Lirin to ask who put these ideas in his head. Kal countered that it was about honor and that no one told stories about surgeons. Lirin told him there were two kinds of people in the world, those who save lives and those who take lives, that one couldn’t protect by killing. Lirin then informed Kal that once he turned sixteen, he wanted to send Kaladin to train with real surgeons in [[Kharbranth]]. Lirin told Kal he had a gift from the [[Herald]]s and he didn’t need to waste it on the small dreams of other men.{{book ref|sa1|10}}
{{image|Kaladin and Tien.jpg|width=300px|side=left|Young Kal andy Tien de pequeños}}
Two years later, Kal and [[Laral]] were talking somewhere east of [[Hearthstone]] while [[Tien]] gathered rocks nearby. Kal told her of his father’s plans to send him to [[Kharbranth]] to train to become a surgeon. Hurt, Laral asked why he hadn’t told her. He lied, saying he didn’t think his father was serious. Laral wondered about his previous plans to be a soldier. His expression became gloomy as he was conflicted on which path to choose, surgeon or soldier. Sensing his distress, [[Tien]] ran up to Kal with a rock that he found, giving it to Kal to make him feel better. Kal did feel better and went with Tien to find a [[lurg]]. Laral rejoined them, commenting that Tien changed Kal for the better. Laral continued to encourage Kal to become a soldier, and that he shouldn't let his father force him to do something he didn't want to. She even implied he could marry her if he won a Shardblade. Kal replied he still had time to decide as they wouldn't take him until he was sixteen.{{book ref|sa1|16}}