Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kaladin»

189 bytes añadidos ,  hace 4 años
Later, Dalinar requested that Kaladin and his men learn how to ride horses, as they might be useful in the future. The groom thought it was absurd for darkeyes to learn horseback riding, but she taught them anyways. Kaladin did not want to ride the horses, but he does as he was told. At first, he rode an old, mellow horse, but Adolin came by and taunted him for not riding a fast horse. He then found Dreamstorm, the most wild, violent house in the stables, and attempted to ride it. As it bucked him wildly, he was forced to stick himself on with Stormlight. He was whipped around, until he finally ran out, flying several feet in the air and landing across the stable. It hurt badly, because he was out of Stormlight. However, Adolin was very impressed and apologized for taunting him.
[[File:Facing off with the Assassin in White.jpg|thumb|left|350px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Jules Aguimatang|Jules Aguimatang]]</small></center>Facing off against [[Szeth]].]]
Kaladin then had a dream where he spoke to the Stormfather. The Stormfather said that Kaladin would soon betray and kill Syl. When he woke up, Syl told him that [[Odium|The One Who Hates]] is coming and Kaladin rushed to Elhokar’s room. Dalinar and Adolin were there, but so was [[Szeth]]. Kaladin defended them successfully, but his arm was wounded by Szeth's shardblade. He grew it back with Stormlight, leaving Szeth shocked and angry that the [[Knights Radiant]] were returning as evident by Kaladin’s Surgebinding. (Their return somehow seemed to exonerate him of whatever infraction resulted in his Truthless status, which destroyed his ability to distance himself from the murders he was ordered to perform.) He then left Kaladin alone. Upon seeing that he was barely able to fight a Shardbearer, Kaladin took Zahel up on his offer to train him.
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