Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kaladin»

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[[Sylphrena]], known as Syl, is an [[honorspren]] that Kaladin has [[Nahel bond|bonded]] to. Syl is Kaladin's constant companion and perhaps his best friend. In addition to providing Kaladin with companionship and guidance, Kaladin's bond with Syl is what allows him access to his [[Surgebinder]] abilities and become a member of the [[Knights Radiant]]. Syl is also a living weapon and is able to manifest herself as a [[Shardblade]].
Initially, Syl is attracted to Kaladin because of his urge to save others. In this initial stage, she behaves much like a normal [[windspren]], having no sentience. As sheher staysbond aroundwith Kaladin for longer periods of timegrows, she gains the ability to manifest herself into different forms (such as a ribbon of lightintelligence, aprogressing leaf, and a young woman) and speak with Kaladin. At first, Syl behaves muchfrom child-like a child and is unablenaivety to understandunderstanding complex concepts. AsShe shealso spendsbegins moreto timeremember withparts Kaladin,of sheher notpast; onlyfor grows more intelligentexample, butshe isremembers ableher toown remembername parts of(and her past. For example,nickname) when Kaladin asks Sylher if she has a name.{{book Sylref|twok|6}} is surprisedShe thatalso shegains notthe onlyability hasto amanifest nameherself into different forms, butinitially alsoas hasthings like a nicknameribbon of light, anda hadleaf, notand knowna heryoung ownwoman, nameand untileventually Kaladininto hada askedShardblade.{{book ref|twok|6}}
It appears that Syl's existence, the Knights Radiant, and Kaladin are linked together. For example, she notes that she is gaining intelligence when she is around Kaladin. When Kaladin doesn't live up to [[Immortal Words|the oaths]] that he has made as a Knight Radiant, Syl slowly loses intelligence and is eventually "killed." When Kaladin reaffirms his oaths, he is able to revive Syl, although it is implied there is a way that there is a way for Kaladin canto more semi-permanently kill Syl.
=== Shallan Davar ===
Kaladin and [[Shallan Davar|Shallan]] are the first two new [[Knights Radiant]] in centuries. They both reveal themselves independently during the [[Battle of Narak]], together serving as the catalyst for the refounding of the order. Kaladin and Shallan initially have a strained relationship. During their first meeting, Shallan tricks Kaladin out of his new boots. During their later meetings, Kaladin suspects Shallan of being a spy or opportunist at worst, and a privileged, unempathetic lighteyes at best. This clash of personalities is reflected in their respective spren, as the [[Cryptic]]s (to which Shallan's spren [[Pattern]] belongs) and [[honorspren]] are involved in a complex spren conflict.
Later, when Kaladin and Shallan are both stranded in the chasms of the [[Shattered Plains]], they grow to respect and admire one another. They reveal some of their personal history and secrets to each other, including the fact that Shallan has a Shardblade. Due to this time, they both suspect each other of being a Knight Radiant.
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