Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kaladin»

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→‎New Citylord: Simplify some
(→‎Fighting the Shardbearer: Simplify a little)
(→‎New Citylord: Simplify some)
==== New Citylord ====
Near the end of 1166, Kaladin overhearshas twoa townswomenconversation disparaging Lirin. Angered, he askswith his mother whyand people hate Lirin. She answersrealizes that they did not hate him, but are afraid of knowledge itself. The conversation turns to Kaladin's own future, and he realizes his parents had encouraged him to spend time with Laral in the hopes that the two would marry. As Kaladin mulls over the conversation, Lirin arrives with the news that the new citylord has arrived. The entire family makesis theirpresent way toin the town square, meetingfor upthe witharrival Tien there.of BrightlordCitylord [[Roshone]]. Roshone arrives in hisa carriage and barely acknowledges the crowd. When Lirin tries to welcome him to town, he responds by blaming Lirin for being the reason he ended up in Hearthstone. Worried, theyand returnabruptly homeleaves.{{book ref|sa1|25}}
Citylord Roshone's arrival brings misfortune to Kaladin's family. Believing that Lirin had stolen the spheres from Wistiow, he coerces the townspeople to stop making donations for Lirin's work, which is the primary source of the family's income.{{book ref|sa1|31}} While the townsfolk acquiesce, they still secretly provide provisions to Lirin and Hesina.{{book ref|sa1|37}} Tien is apprenticed to a carpenter because he is unsuitable as a surgeon while Kaladin is still unsure if he wants to join the army or become a surgeon. About a year after Roshone's arrival, athree group ofmasked men try to break into Lirin's surgery room while he and Kaladin wereare inside. They demand that Lirin hand, overdemanding Wistiow's spheres. Instead, Lirin uncovers the [[Stormlight|light]] of the spheres, revealingreveals that thethey intruders wereare not highwaymen as Kaladin had initially thought, but members of the town: [[Luten]], [[Horl]], and [[Balsas]]., Notnormal expectingtownsmen topresumably findhired anyoneby inside,Roshone. Ashamed and ashamed ofcaught theiroff actionsguard, the men leave without taking anything.{{book ref|sa1|31}}
Half a year later, Roshone invites Lirin to the mansion for dinner. Although Lirin and Hesina try to hide the meeting from Kaladin, he finds out and attends anyway. Roshone discusses their situation and wants them to return the spheres; when Kaladin responds with an outburst, Lirin sends him away to the kitchens. In the kitchens, Roshone's son [[Rillir Roshone|Rillir]] walks in with Laral and, confusing Kaladin for a servant, orders him to fetch them supper. Kaladin, protesting that he isn't a servant, loses an argument with Rillir and is humiliated. As Lirin and Kaladin leave the mansion, Kaladin admits to his father that he had been considering joining the army but has resolved to become a surgeon so that he would have the education to stand up to the lighteyes. During the conversation, Kaladin realizes Lirin had indeed stolen the spheres from Wistiow. Kaladin resolves to use the spheres for his training, but would pay them back to Laral.{{book ref|sa1|37}}
While on a hunting trip, Roshone and Rillir are seriously injured by a [[whitespine]] and brought to Lirin's surgery room. Kaladin and Lirin determine that Rillir is already fatally wounded and tend to Roshone, despite his protests. They anesthetize both patients and begin surgery on Roshone. Lirin hesitates when he discovers a piece of the whitespine's tusk near Roshone's femoral artery. Kaladin considers how easy it would be to fake an accident, but they continued on to save Roshone's life, as Rillir died. When Kaladin asks his father why he had not let Roshone die, Lirin answers that they have to be better men than the lighteyes.{{book ref|sa1|41}}
In the [[Weeping]] of 1168, as Kaladin's family grows increasingly desperate, being forced to spend some of the spheres, Roshone assembles the townfolk in the town square. [[Meridas Amaram]], a general for [[Highprince]] [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]], has arrived in Hearthstone to recruit soldiers for histhe army. There, Kaladin and his family are shocked to learn that Laral is now engaged to Roshone himself after Rillir's death. Meanwhile, since only six men have volunteered, Amaram asks Roshone to announce the list of conscripts. As citylord, Roshone was barred from placing Lirin or Kaladin on the conscription list because they served a vital function to the town. However, Roshone places Tien's name on the list instead; when Kaladin tries to take Tien's place, he is denied because the law gave the choice to Roshone alone. Left without any other option, Kaladin enlists in the army in order to protect Tien and promises his devastated parents that he would bring Tien back in four years. Amaram promises Lirin that he would make Tien a messenger boy for a while.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
=== Amaram's Army (1168–1172) ===
