Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kaladin»

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=== The 4th Ideal ({{Rosharan date|1175}}) ===
After Teft was killed by Vyre, Kaladin became emotionally broken. He killskilled the Pursuer in rage, andwhile Heavenly Ones taketook Lirin up to the Skysky. Kaladin followsfollowed, using Navani's fabrial, andwhereupon gives chase. Thethe Heavenly Ones becomegrew frightenedfightened and dropdropped Lirin.{{book Kaladin stands atop Uritirhu watching Lirin fall and then Kaladin jumps in a suicidal attempt. Dalinar shows up as a rider of the storm and asks the Stormfather to give Kaladin more time. The Stormfather takes Kaladin in the "place between time" and talks unsuccessfully to him. Dalinar, using his Bondsmith abilities, takes Kaladin into a vision that is connected to Tien. Tien shows Kaladin to preserve the moment they have. Kaladin is returned to the time stream. While falling he speaks "I accept there will be those I cannot save". Dalinar says "These words are accepted". Windspren transform into Kaladin's Shardplate.ref|sa4|106}}
Kaladin stood atop Uritirhu, watching Lirin fall, and jumped after him in an attempt to commit suicide. However, Dalinar, riding the storm at the time, demanded that Stormfather give Kaladin more time to think. The Stormfather took Kaladin into the "place between time" and talked to him, albeit unsuccessfully. Dalinar, using his Bondsmith abilities, took Kaladin into a vision connected to Tien. The apparition of Tien convinced Kaladin to embrace the moment, and accept that all people must eventually die.{{book ref|sa4|108}} Returning to the real world with newfound sense of peace, Kaladin kept falling, but found the strength to declare his Fourth Ideal.
|I accept that there will be those I cannot protect!
|Kaladin's Fourth Ideal{{book ref|sa4|108}}
Rather than the Stormfather, it was Dalinar who accepted Kaladin's words.{{book ref|sa4|108}} Around Kaladin, windspren transformed into his [[Shardplate]].{{book ref|sa4|110}}
== Relationships ==
Editors, Keepers
