Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kaladin»

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His brother is conscripted into service in [[Amaram|Brightlord Amaram's]] army and Kaladin enlists (against his father's wishes) in order to protect [[Tien]]. He rises to the rank of Squad Captain, earning the nickname "Kaladin Stormblessed" for his protection of his men and his luck in battle.
During a battle, Kaladin kills a [[Shardbearer]] but, instead of claiming the fallen man's armaments, he gives them to one of his subordinates. [[Amaram|Brightlord Amaram]], eager to claim the priceless weapon and armor for himself, executes all witness to the event and brands Kaladin a slave.
As a slave Kaladin makes numerous escape attempts, which ultimately cause him to be branded againwith asthe a''shash'' glyph to signify his troublemakerdangerousness. He is eventually sold to the army of [[Sadeas|Highprince Sadeas]] where he serves as a bridgeman. During this time he attracts the attention of an unusual [[Honorspren]] named [[Syl|Sylphrena]]. She follows him around, aiding him, and the two become good friends.
His honor also attracts the attention of [[Dalinar|Highprince Dalinar]]; at the end of [[The Way of Kings]], Kaladin rescues [[Dalinar]] from certain death at great risk to himself and to his bridgecrew. [[Dalinar]] rewards Kalidin's bravery by purchasing the freedom of all of [[Sadeas|Highprince Sadeas]]'s bridgemen, appointing them as his honor guard and Kaladin as their Captain.
