Diferencia entre revisiones de «JinDo»

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(This needed seriously help and I've spent like three hours working on a big revision XD But I need to go to bed, so I'll finish it tomorrow or soon.)
|region=[[Fjordell Empire]]
'''Jindo''' was a nation on [[Sel]]. People and things from Jindo are called '''Jindoeese'''. The Jindoeese people had dark brown skin and fine features.{{ref|bws|/Elantris/page/36/ELANTRIS-Glossary|Elantris Glossary}} [[Jaador|Jaadorians]] were also ethnically Jindo,{{ref|bws|/Elantris/page/36/ELANTRIS-Glossary|Elantris Glossary}} and [[Duladel|Dula]] peoples were half Jindo and half Aonic.{{ref|b|e|c|19}} [[Keshu]], also known as Keseg and the creator of [[Shu-Keseg]], hailed from Jindo.
'''Jindo''' was a nation on [[Sel]].
It is currently a part of the [[Fjordell Empire]]. It was the only other eastern nation besides [[Svorden]] to retain its own language.{{ref|bws|/Elantris/page/36/ELANTRIS-Glossary|Elantris Glossary}}
== Notes ==