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→‎Weaknesses: changed an instance of "there" to "their"
(→‎Weaknesses: changed an instance of "there" to "their")
== Weaknesses ==
Steel Inquisitors were very powerful and - with feruchemical healing - nearly invincible. Rumors in the skaa underground held that Inquisitors were immortal, that they could see into people's souls and that they were warriors with no equal.{{book ref|mb1|3}} However, removing spikes from an Inquisitor could effectively kill it, most notably the linchpin spike located between their shoulder blades. This was a weakness build into them by The Lord Ruler. Similarly, Inquisitors could not survive beheading this is because the chain of Spikes in a inquisitor would be broken. Removing one eye spike is not enough to kill most inquisitors. Most inquisitors need to rest frequently to charge theretheir feruchmical powers.
Another major weakness in Inquisitors came from the Hemalurgic spikes they bore. Though this was not a problem before Ruin was release. Any Spike in a person allows for influence to be more easily pushed on a person via the tears in their spirit web. These tears allow for people to control a Hemalugic construct using allomancy. This weakness is present in both kendra and koloss. This also allowed them to be controlled by [[Ruin]] the more spikes they had, the greater the weakness was. However the stronger a creature's will is the more it can resist that influence or even break free from it for a time. Because of their Hemalurgic origins, all Steel Inquisitors were able to hear the voice of [[Ruin]].
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