Diferencia entre revisiones de «Inkima»

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{{in progress}}
|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
La [[Brightladybrillante señora]] '''Inkima''' ises auna womanmujer onde Roshar whoque livedvivía inen thelos campamentos de guerra [[Alethialezi]] warcamps aten thelas [[ShatteredLlanuras PlainsQuebradas]].{{book ref|sa1|58}}
SheAcompaña accompaniesa [[Jakamav]] to a wineuna tastingcata inde thevinos en el [[OuterMercado MarketExterior]] withcon [[Adolin Kholin]] andy severalvarios otherotros [[lighteyesojos claros]].{{book ref|sa1|58}} LaterMás tarde, Adolin invitesla herinvita anda Jakamavella toy a Jakamav a secondun winesegundo bar butde wasvinos, rebuffedpero duefue torechazado thedebido Kholin'sal illmal favorcarácter del Kholin aftertras thela [[BattleBatalla ofde thela TowerTorre]].{{book ref|sa2|26}}
Inkima ises auna plumpmujer womanregordeta withde yellowojos eyesamarillos andy hairpelo thatteñido shede dyed blacknegro, indicatinglo thatque sheindica isque likelyprobablemente notno ofsea purede Alethipura bloodsangre alezi.{{book ref|sa1|58}} TheEl color redrojo didno notle suitsentaba bien a Inkima, inen Adolin'sopinión opinionde Adolin. SheTiene hasuna arisa tinklingtintineante laughque thata Adolin foundle resulta obnoxiousodiosa. Inkima seemsparece toestar beencantada quitecon takenJakamav withy Jakamav,se ríe laughingde attodo everythinglo heque saiddice.
<gallery caption="ImagesImágenes ofde Inkima">
Inkima.jpg | Inkima by [[User: Sheep]]
Jakamav and inkima.jpg | Inkima andy Jakamav bypor [[User: Sheep]]
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] ([[User talk:Chaos2651|talk]]) 16:07, 5 June 2017 (MST)}}
