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'''Idris''' is a country just beyond [[Hallandren]] on [[Nalthis]].
== Description and Culture ==
|Composed, simple, hard, and capable. Idrian.
Idris is drab and relatively devoid of color, reflecting the Idrian people's devotion to an unostentatious way of life. Stone walls are whitewashed, and clothing is kept a dull grey or tan as a superstition to prevent Awakeners from using colors to fuel their magic. The kingdom is mostly rural, with most people working as shepherds or farmers. Most people believe in [[Austre]], and it is a custom that all families should send at least one child to work in the monastaries. They considere the [[Hallandren]] gods to be strange and their religion to be untrue; many tell stories of horrible rituals they carry out there. Although the people of Idris can also become [[Returned]], this is a rare occurrence as the people of Idris, unlike those in Hallandren, will not provide a Returned with Breath, leading to them dying at the end of the week.
|King [[Dedelin]]'s observation of [[Vivenna]]{{book ref|wb|1}}
'''Idris''' is a country justto beyondthe north of [[Hallandren]] on [[Nalthis]]. Citizens of Idris are called Idrians.{{book ref|wb|5}}
They have a monarchal system of government and are ruled by King [[Dedelin]]. Those in the royal family who rule or are potential heirs have the [[Royal Locks]]. The Royal Locks are hereditary hair that can change color according to that person's emotional state, though they can also change the color at will or suppress changes in color with training and discipline. Those with the Royal Locks can also grow them when they want to, but this tires them as if they were using a physical muscle. The Royal family in Idris usually keeps their hair black or brown, as other colors such as red or yellow are considered ostentatious.
=== BevalisGeography and Ecology ===
Idris lies in the highlands, where its location allows control over the four main trade passes to the north.{{book ref|wb|1}} The land in Idris is rich with minerals that also bring the country wealth.{{book ref|wb|5}} The countryside has vegetation that buds out in spring, though it only gets warm for a brief period each year; some valuable roots grow higher up in the mountains.{{book ref|wb|2}}{{book ref|wb|9}}
The capital of Idris is the city of '''Bevalis'''. Its roads are unpaved and its houses are stonewalled thatch cottages. The royal palace is a single-story building with a courtyard of packed dirt.{{book ref|wb|1}} It is a small city in comparison to others in [[Nalthis]], with a population number of around a few thousand.{{book ref|wb|9}}
From a young age, children are taught to worship [[Austre]], god of colors, by being as unostentatious as possible. Idrians consider outbursts of emotion to be unseemly, and in fact being seen as controlled and disciplined has become almost a form of pride in itself.
== History ==
Idris was formed when the royal family was rejected by the people of [[Hallandren]] in favor of being ruled by the [[Returned]] and fled to the mountains for safety.
|The royal family of Idris, who can apparently trace their line back to [[Vo|the first Returned]]. Another heritage of divinity, a challenger for rightful rule in Hallandren.
|Siri musing on the politics surrounding the throne of Hallandren{{book ref|wb|32}}
Idris was one nation with Hallandren until the [[Manywar]], when the royals refused to support the conflicts that led up to the war.{{book ref|wb|15}} The separate nation of Idris was formed at the climax of the war when the royal family fled to the mountains for safety after being rejected by the people of Hallandren in favor of being ruled by the [[Returned]].{{book ref|wb|1}}{{book ref|wb|5}}
Twenty years before the events of the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]], [[Dedelin]]'s father was assassinated, and he inherited the throne. King Dedelin's first official act was to negotiate a treaty with [[Susebron]] promising to send his daughter (ostensibly [[Vivenna]], though this was not stated specifically) to the [[Court of Gods]] to marry him when Vivenna turned twenty-two, thereby reintroducing the bloodline of the royals into Hallandren's own ruling line. When the time came, however, Dedelin could not bring himself to send his beloved daughter to what he was sure would be her death, so he sent [[Siri]] instead.{{book ref|wb|1}}
During that time of deteriorating relations, [[Lemex]], the chief Idrian spy in [[T'Telir]], acted on Dedelin's orders in an attempt to destabilize Hallandren and undermine its ability to wage war. Unfortunately, he was oblivious to the fact that [[Denth]] and his [[Denth's crew|crew]], whom he had hired to aid in his efforts, were manipulating him; Lemex's actions were actually inflaming the already considerable tensions.{{wob ref|6795}} Vivenna continued his work, also in the name of helping Idris and also unaware of Denth's true motivations.{{book ref|wb|17}}
At the culmination of the [[Pahn Kahl]] rebellion, Hallandren's [[Lifeless]] army was sent to Idris to slaughter its population; however, Susebron sent [[Kalad's Phantoms]] after the army, who reached the Lifeless in time to defeat the force.{{book ref|wb|ep}}{{wob ref|7479}}
== QuotesPolitics ==
TheyIdris havehas a monarchalmonarchical system of government and areis ruled by King [[Dedelin]]. The eldest child, regardless of gender, inherits the throne.{{book ref|wb|2}} Those inof the royal family who either rule or are potential heirs have the [[Royal Locks]]. The Royal Locks are: hereditary hair that can changechanges color according to thatthe personbearer's emotional state, thoughat theytheir canwill, alsoor change the colornot at willall orwhen suppressthe changesbearer in color withuses training and discipline to suppress the changes.{{book ref|wb|1}}{{book ref|wb|22}} Those with the Royal Locks can also grow them when they want to, butand this tiresfeels to them as if they were using a physical muscle.{{book ref|wb|6}} The Royalroyal family in Idris usually keeps their hair black or brown, as other colors such as red or yellow are considered ostentatious.{{book ref|wb|1}}
|Your people are in a state of rebellion against the rest of the kingdom.
|[[Treledees]] to Siri{{book ref|wb|16}}
While Idrians consider themselves a separate nation from Hallandren, Hallandren considers Idris to be rebel-controlled land still within its borders. This is the main source of tension between the two nations, a tension that is kept in check during the first twenty years of Dedelin's reign by his treaty with Susebron that promises to send one of his daughters to the Court of Gods to marry the God King.{{book ref|wb|1}} Because King Dedelin fears war, though, he establishes Lemex as the head of his spy network in T'Telir and closely monitors the information Lemex sends.{{book ref|wb|9}} Idris' armies are harried by Vendis raids and are no match in general for the Lifeless army of Hallandren, and [[Vahr]]'s failed rebellion has renewed Hallandren's focus on its enemies. Due to these factors, General [[Yarda]] advises Dedelin to do what they must to delay war at least until winter, when heavy snows can be another of their allies; Dedelin decides to send Siri to fulfill the treaty and stall the process of war for a little longer. In the meantime, Yarda discusses riling up the remnants of Vahr's rebels and approaching [[Tedradel]] about gaining their support.{{book ref|wb|1}}
== Description and Culture ==
The kingdom is drab and relatively devoid of color, reflecting the Idrian people's aversion to any display of "ostentation" in their way of living. Stone walls are whitewashed, and clothing is kept a dull grey or tan in accord with a superstition teaching that this can prevent [[Awakening|Awakeners]] from using colors to fuel their magic.{{book ref|wb|1}}
Idrians consider the Hallandren gods to be strange and their religion to be untrue. Though [[Rambleman|Ramblemen]] come through and tell the Idrians of the outside world, many Idrians hold false ideas of the horrors of Hallandren and tell stories of horrible rituals they supposedly carry out there.{{book ref|wb|4}} Although the people of Idris can also become [[Returned]], this is a rare occurrence. The people of Idris, unlike those in Hallandren, refuse to provide any Returned with [[Breath]], causing them to die at the end of the week.{{book ref|wb|4}}
|Women chasing runaway geese, men pulling donkeys laden with spring seed, and children leading sheep on their way to pasture.
|[[Siri]] ondescribing the people inof Bevalis {{book ref|wb|1}}
Idris is mostly rural, with most people working as shepherds or farmers. Most people believe in [[Austre]], and it is a tradition that all families with means enough to spare them should send at least one child to work in the monasteries. These monks dedicate their lives to working for the good of the poor and don't amass possessions or wealth for themselves.{{book ref|wb|2}}{{wob ref|6032}}
The people are taught to be reserved from a young age and "to avoid shameful outbursts of emotion." The model Idris woman dresses in a way to avoid drawing attention, with hair modestly contained and no makeup;{{book ref|wb|1}} clothing typically covers even the neck.{{book ref|wb|6}}
=== Bevalis ===
The capital of Idris is the city of '''Bevalis'''. Its roads are unpaved, and its houses are stonewalledstone-walled, thatchthatched cottages. The royal palace, which serves as a meeting place and a center of operations for the kingdom, is a single-story building with a courtyard of packed dirt; it is, however, large enough to be considered almost "flamboyant."{{book ref|wb|1}} ItBevalis is a small city in comparison towith othersthe incapitals of other nations on [[Nalthis]], with a population number of around a few thousand.{{book ref|wb|9}}
{{chart/wrap|title=Idrian Royal Family|
== PeopleNotable Citizens ==
* King [[Dedelin]]
* General [[VivennaYarda]]
* [[RidgerVivenna]]
* [[FafenSiri]]
* [[SiriMab]]
* [[MabParlin]]
== Quotes ==
|Women chasing runaway geese, men pulling donkeys laden with spring seed, and children leading sheep on their way to pasture.
|[[Siri]] on people in Bevalis {{book ref|wb|1}}
== Notes ==
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