Diferencia entre revisiones de «Idris»

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(Adding Economics section with mention of trade routes, farmlands, the lack of commerce at the time of the Phan Kal rebellion, and disaster relief funds)
(→‎Politics: Adding that Idris has allies to the north that would side with them in a war)
While Idrians consider themselves a separate nation from Hallandren, Hallandren considers Idris to be rebel-controlled land still within its borders. This is the main source of tension between the two nations, a tension that is kept in check during the first twenty years of Dedelin's reign by his treaty with Susebron that promises to send one of his daughters to the Court of Gods to marry the God King.{{book ref|wb|1}} According to Bebid, dozens of kingdoms north of Idris do not share Hallandren's belief that Idris is a rebel faction, and these countries would ally with Idris should a war break out, or use the opportunity to seize control of [[T'Telir]].{{book ref|wb|5}} Because King Dedelin fears war, though, he establishes Lemex as the head of his spy network in T'Telir and closely monitors the information Lemex sends.{{book ref|wb|9}} Idris' armies are harried by Vendis raids and are no match in general for the Lifeless army of Hallandren, and [[Vahr]]'s failed rebellion has renewed Hallandren's focus on its enemies. Due to these factors, General [[Yarda]] advises Dedelin to do what they must to delay war at least until winter, when heavy snows can be another of their allies; Dedelin decides to send Siri to fulfill the treaty and stall the process of war for a little longer. In the meantime, Yarda discusses riling up the remnants of Vahr's rebels and approaching [[Tedradel]] about gaining their support.{{book ref|wb|1}}
== Culture ==