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Hrathen was a graduate of Gahjan monastery, and rose quickly in the ranks of the priesthood. His talent for public speaking made him an invaluable tool of [[Wyrn]] in Wyrn's attempt to conquer the world through the spread of the Derethi religion. Hrathen's particular talent lay in destroying the kingdoms of those who did not convert, and he brought about both the destruction of the Duladen republic, and the simultaneous invasion of Arelon and Teod. During the invasion of Teod, he came to a full awareness of Wyrn's corruption of Shu-Dereth, and was instrumental in stopping the complete destruction of both kingdoms. Unfortunately, his efforts to save Princess Sarene resulted in his death at the hands of [[Dilaf]]. For his efforts, he was buried with the rest of the heroes of the battle just outside of Elantris.
>==Early life==
Little is known of Hrathen's youth. He was a citizen of Fjordell, and from a young age was determined to enter the priesthood. While still a boy, he appeared to have an intense ardor for Shu-Dereth. This passion would define the rest of his life, although it would be extinguished in his first experience at a monastery.
After leaving Dakhor Monastery, Hrathen was still resolved to progress in the priesthood. Accordingly, he went to Gahjan monastery to finish his training as a Derethi priest. Not one of the three specialized monasteries, his training there was a combination of religious instruction and military training. Hrathen excelled at both disciplines, and rose quickly in the ranks of the priesthood. In a relatively short period of time, he ascended to the rank of gyorn. As a gyorn, he was one of a group of twenty men that stood nearly at the top of the religious hierarchy of Shu-Dereth. Only the leaders of monasteries and Wyrn, considered the voice of God, stood heigher than Hrathen, and neither was often a presence in Hrathen's day-to-day actions.
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==Conversion of Duladel==