Diferencia entre revisiones de «Honor»

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'''Honor''' is aone of the sixteen [[Shard|Shard of Adonalsium]]. Its orginal Shardholder was [[Tanavast]], but following his death its fate is unknown.
Its orginal Shardholder was [[Tanavast]], but following his death its fate is unknown.
Honor is commonly known on [[Roshar]], as God, the '''Almighty''', the creator of mankind. It is suspected that he was in some way responsible for the Oathpact, that bind his [[Herald]]s to fight the [[Voidbringers]]. Sometime after the event referred as the [[Last Desolation]], he was [[Splinter]]ed by [[Odium]]{{ref|?|755|27|Was Honor Splintered by Odium?}}, but not before leaving behind a "journal" of sorts - a series of visions, thatto takewarn overof awhat man'she mindfears duringto come, the highstormsTrue Desolation, the end of [[Cosmere]] by the hand of Odium.
It is suspected that he was in some way responsible for the Oathpact.
He is known as "The Almighty" on Roshar.
== Notes ==