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==Hemalurgic Use==
When used as a Hemalurgic spike, iron can steal the physical strength of the person killed by the spike. Increasing the number of spikes increases the strength of the recipient, but at the cost of twisting the body and mind of the person who receives the spikes.
[[Koloss]] are created when a living human is wrappedimplanted inwith a4 iron spikes. This gives the koloss skinincredible strength, but the process effectively destroyed their minds, leaving them incapable of complex logic, and implantedextremely withvulnerable 4to ironRuin's spikescontrol.
This gives the koloss incredible strength, but the process effectively destroyed their minds, leaving them incapable of complex logic, and extremely vulnerable to Ruin's control.
The [[kandra]] blessing of potency is comprised of two iron spikes.{{cite}} Like all kandra blessings, the blessing gave the mistwraith sentience, with the added benefit of physical strength and endurance.
Like all kandra blessings, the blessing gave the mistwraith sentience, with the added benefit of physical strength and endurance.
Synod, Editors, Keepers
