Diferencia entre revisiones de «Heraldo»

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(minor edits and add a bit about names)
The appearance of the Heralds is known to announce the coming of a [[Desolation]]. Between Desolations, the Heralds are trapped in [[Braize]], or Damnation, being tortured by [[voidspren]]. If a Herald dies during a Desolation, they are sent back there; if they survive, they are supposed to go back voluntarily. The Heralds being there, bound by the [[Oathpact]], prevents the voidspren from returning to Roshar and inhabiting the parshmen, turning them into voidbringers.
Heralds are [[cognitive shadow]]s and not [[Sliver]]s.{{qawob ref|622|93|Is Jezrien a Sliver?|date=Aug 31st, 20114024}}
== Heralds of the Almighty ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
