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=== Other ===
Apart from the Surges, Heralds get a number of other advantages, although what precisely they are is uncertain.{{wob ref|3623}}{{wob ref|6898}} It's possible that those include superhuman speed and reflexes.{{book ref|sa2|88}} However, they are also said to have no innate powers, suggesting that whatever they can do is the result of either their connection to Honor or their own experience.{{wob ref|1050}} Although not all the Heralds were originally soldiers, they have mastered their fighting skills throughout the ageages, and are now capable of fighting multiple Shardbearers with ease. Moreover, each Herald had their own field of expertise, such as leadership, medicine or smithing, and the knowledge of how to teach those skills to others.{{book ref|sa3|47}} Heralds are able to procreate, though not necessarily in the traditional way.{{wob ref|14507}}
Heralds are able to share pain with each other through their bond, but it is unknown if they can do this outside of Braize.{{book ref|sa3|38}} They are also able to sense when another Herald has permanently died, which can cause them enough shock to render them temporally unconscious.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
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