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'''Hemalurgy''' is one of the three prime manifestations of [[Investiture]] on [[Scadrial]]. The natives of that world consider it one of the three [[Metallic Arts]]. People who use Hemalurgic abilities are called '''Hemalurgists'''{{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=54}}{{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=79}}.
== Use and PracticeMechanics ==
Hemalurgy is the transfer of attributes, such as [[Allomancy]], [[Feruchemy]], or innate human strength via [[Spiritweb]] theft and splicing. In the [[Physical Realm]], a metallic spike is inserted into a bind point, such as the heart, in order to Hemalurgically charge it. The spike, now containing a fragment of stolen Spiritweb, is then ripped out and embedded in the recipient, stapling the ability directly into their spiritual DNA (sDNA). This causes wear and tear on the Spiritweb, creating "holes" through which Ruin or a sufficiently powerful [[zinc|Rioter]] or [[brass|Soother]] can whisper to or even control a Hemalurgical subject. Hemalurgy is named for a quirk in bind point placement: due to the interaction between the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]] and Physical Realms, the spike must come in contact with moving blood in order to remove or add an attribute. Intent is important, but the way Hemalurgy interacts with the [[Cognitive Realm]], if it does so at all, is unknown.