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== Lore & Background ==
Hemalurgy is the most mysterious of the Metallic Arts, creating some of the most exotic things in the [[Final Empire]]. At its core, it involves stealing powers from one person and giving them to another. In order to do so, a metal spike must be stabbed through one person's body and then placed in the recipient's body. The placement of the spike determines which of the contributor's attributes are taken. As such Hemalurgy is the most complex of the Metallic Arts, and the [[Steel Ministry]] has experimented for centuries with little success at finding new ways to apply it. Typically, the correct placement of a spike is a vital organ, so the person who had their power stolen invariably dies.
After the spike pierces through the initial person and is Hemalurgically charged, the '''Law of Hemalurgic Decay''' states that the spike loses some of its potency.{{cite}} The longer a spike is outside a body, the weaker it becomes. Thus, when the Steel Ministry creates an Inquisitor, the spikes are outside of a person for as little time as possible.
== Notes ==
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{{MetallicArts}}[[Category:Magic Systems]][[Category:Hemalurgy| ]]
{{mistbornseries}}[[Category:Magic Systems]][[Category:Hemalurgy| ]]